Sunday, October 9, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
NDP in NL aiming to oust Liberals as second party
Globe and Mail
Ms. Michael was the lone New Democrat in a starkly lopsided legislature that included four Liberals and 43 Progressive Conservatives at dissolution. "Seeing that people do believe what we're telling them: That we will bring their voice into the house ...
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Globe and Mail
Liberals didn't win, PCs lost
Toronto Star
Letter writer says Tim Hudak ran a truly uninspiring campaign against the worn-out and tired Liberals. (Oct. 6, 2011.) Just to be clear: The Ontario Liberals didn't so much as win the provincial election, but that the Progressive Conservatives lost it. ...
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Tory MP who shot holes though Liberal long-gun registry reloads
Globe and Mail
The second-term MP from Manitoba is the unlikely face of the Harper Conservatives' efforts to kill the long-gun registry – and in her own small way she has helped deal a near-fatal blow to the Liberal Party of Canada. For that she was rewarded by Prime ...
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Globe and Mail
Liberals raising poll cash
The Daily Telegraph
Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott at the 55th Liberal Party Federal Council at the Hotel Realm in Canberra. Picture: Kym Smith Source: The Daily Telegraph The 55th Liberal Party Federal Council at the Hotel Realm in Canberra... Alexander Downer. ...
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From Elizabeth Warren, the proper case for liberalism
Washington Post
From this, Will concludes that liberals hold a series of terribly elitist beliefs and that by extension, Warren (who is, conveniently, a Harvard professor) does, too. Will's straw liberal is supposedly committed to "the impossibility, for most people, ...
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Stoking Liberal Fears of Evangelicals
Huffington Post
For some liberals, ignorant unenlightened peasants, aka evangelicals, are a scary sight when it comes to our political democracy. As the old saying goes, it's as frightening as the inmates taking over the asylum. I can even almost hear a few saying, ...
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To Be, or Not To Be, Leftist
Thorning-Schmidt, daughter-in-law of former British Labour leader Neil Kinnock, will lead a coalition of three parties: her own Social Democrats, the Socialist People's Party, and the more centrist Social Liberals. After election results were made ...
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George Clooney in 2012? Dream on
The Republic
By Patrick Goldstein Los Angeles Times Time magazine film critic Richard Corliss was being conservative, arithmetically speaking, when he opened his review of George Clooney's new political film "The Ides of March" by saying, "Half the liberals I know ...
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Why unhappy people are liberals...
Manteca Bulletin (blog)
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you The Liberal. Thus, the great challenge facing Conservatives lies far deeper than anything you will read on these pages. My friends, the key to winning the culture war literally begins at birth. ...
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Blogs3 new results for Liberals
E.J. Dionne, Jr.: Refuting Straw Liberals - Truthdig
It's not often that a sound bite from a Democratic candidate gets so under the skin of my distinguished colleague George F. Will that he feels moved to quote it in full and then devote an entire column to refuting it. - 2011/10/09.
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
A plain blog about politics: Sunday Question for Liberals
By Jonathan Bernstein
Sunday Question for Liberals. I'm going to just flat-out steal borrow a great question I saw this morning over the twitters, from Lindsay Beyerstein, who asks: #OccupyWallStreet has a library of donated books. What would you put on the ...
A plain blog about politics
George Will Occupy Wall Street | George Will Liberals | Video ...
By Josh Feldman
On This Week today, George Will argued that the Occupy Wall Street protestors should be highlighted by the media and the Republicans should embrace it because the general rowdiness of the protestors, in his view, represents the spirit and ...

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