Monday, October 31, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News8 new results for Liberals
Liberals to review green energy payouts
Toronto Star
Premier Dalton McGuinty's Liberals are reviewing the hefty price paid to renewable energy producers who sell power to the grid under the feed-in tariff program. Energy Minister Chris Bentley on Monday confirmed a long-expected look at FIT program will ...
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Tasha Kheiriddin: Liberals play the zombie to NDP's leadership march
National Post (blog)
Meanwhile, across the aisle, the Liberal party leadership race looks more like a scene from Shaun of the Dead: deserted streets with a few shell-shocked zombies staggering about. The wind whistles eerily, but Lazarus refuses to rise: no one's declared, ...
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Sorry, liberal media, income inequality really is way overblown
The American (blog)
Chittum, nor other liberal economic pundits such as Ezra Klein, Jonathan Chait, Kevin Drum, Ryan Avent, have made an effort to dispute Gordon, hardly a conservative economist. Liberals don't even like quoting that above bit. 2. ...
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With Harper cruising in poll, Rae surpasses Turmel on leadership
Globe and Mail
The Harper government is currently benefitting, in part, to a weak opposition but te game could change when the NDP and Liberals choose permanent leaders. As for the horse race numbers, Mr. Harper and his Conservatives have the support of 37.7 per cent ...
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Globe and Mail
It's not just the liberals anymore who want to tax the rich
The State Press
By Oonagh McQuarrie October 31, 2011 at 7:48 pm Print This Post Perhaps it is Occupy Wall Street if not the Tea Party, or maybe it is just generally disgruntled Americans. Either way, in the last few months there has been a surge of protests against ...
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Liberals perpetuate poverty
RU Daily Targum
Politico's recent accusation that Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain sexually harassed two female employees during his tenure as head of the National Restaurant Association perpetuates the mainstream media's and liberal elite's attempt to ...
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Terrified Liberals Accuse Herman Cain of "Inappropriate Behavior" with "Two Women" (blog)
Terrified Democrats moved into full attack mode against Herman Cain on Sunday. Politico reported "two women" in the 1990s "accused Herman Cain of inappropriate behavior." The accusations are thus far vague, non-sourced, unsubstantiated, and reminiscent ...
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How sexual allegations and tax fraud could destroy Herman Cain
Right-wing radical and author, Ann Coulter, has jumped to the side of Cain and decided to do what she does best, go on Fox News and blame everything on liberals. Coulter: It's outrageous the way liberals treat a black conservative. ...
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Blogs4 new results for Liberals
Coulter blames 'liberals' for allegations against Cain | The Raw Story
By David Edwards
Conservative columnist Ann Coulter is blaming liberals for reports that Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain covered up sexual harassment accusations against him. While Cain was head of the National Restaurant Association in ...
The Raw Story
Ann Coulter: Liberals Terrified of Strong Conservative Black Men ...
By Maggie
In the video below, Geraldo Rivera has Ann Coulter and Juan Williams on to talk about the breaking story of Herman Cain being accused by unnamed sources of...
Maggie's Notebook
Coulter: 'Nothing Liberals Fear More Than A Black Conservative' at ...
By Pat Dollard
Coulter: 'Nothing Liberals Fear More Than A Black Conservative'. October 31st, 2011 (0) Posted By Pat Dollard. Tweet. Your Ad Here. Jihadi Killer Radio Hour · Follow Pat on Twitter · Next and Previous: « prev Cain ...
Pat Dollard
The Moral Roots of Liberals & Conservatives | The Bilerico Project
By Bil Browning
Daily experiments in LGBTQ This TED talk by Jonathan Haidt is absolutely fascinating. Watch as he explains the moral roots of what makes us a liberal or conservative.
The Bilerico Project

Web1 new result for Liberals
Coulter: 'Liberals Are Terrified of Herman Cain' |
"Liberals are terrified of Herman Cain," Coulter said. "He is a strong, conservative black man. Look at the way they go after Allen West and Michael Steele, and ...

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