Friday, October 7, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Hudak Conservatives lose as progressives take Ontario
Globe and Mail
Old timers and political scientists know the name of that culture – it's progressive conservatism and no one since Brampton's bland Bill Davis, now gone for fully a quarter of a century, has ever embodied it better than Dalton McGuinty. ...
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Globe and Mail
Retired Latino pol focused on education, mobilizing progressives
Fox News
"This is a time to define who the true progressives are and think about the city's future," he said. Del Valle, who came to Chicago at the age of 4 with his parents from Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, did not get off to a good start in his first years at ...
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Making the Court a Priority for Progressives
Huffington Post (blog)
This is a veritable hit parade of issues progressives, independents -- indeed all Americans -- care deeply about. Until recently, the courts were generally friendly to progressive public policies. Indeed the federal courts helped to enable the social ...
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Straw Poll Results: Progressives Stand With Obama's Jobs Agenda
Donna Edwards, D-Md., at the Take Back the American Dream conference this week called a "progressive food fight," but the straw poll taken at that conference shows there's not a lot of daylight between progressive activists and the president on his ...
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'Occupy DC' protesters diverse, many reject progressives' claim to the movement
Daily Caller
(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) Progressive organizations are rushing to take credit for a growing movement of Americans who are using social media to share their non-political stories of huge student debt, sinking mortgages, crippling health-care bills, ...
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2012 is not a time for progressives to retreat
My answer to critics is that I'ma progressive first and a Democrat second. This distinction highlights an important problem with the current crop of Democratic politicians in Washington, with a few notable exceptions. Progressives are tired of the ...
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#OccupyWallStreet's Racist Speech Rule: White Men Last
Big Government
Occupy Wall Street's General Assembly operates under a revolutionary "progressive stack." A normal "stack" means those who wish to speak get in line. A progressive stack encourages women and traditionally marginalized groups speak before men, ...
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Letter: Boot the progressives out of office
The Columbian
So if you're soft, vote to re-elect Barack Obama next year. However, if you're not soft, do what's right and boot him and his progressive cronies out of office. You must be logged in to rate this. Current Rating : Nobody has rated this article yet.
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Compromise With Integrity
Delta County Independent
My description of Progressives says that they are individuals who want you to believe that they can make better choices for you than you can for yourself. They also require you to put your faith in the outcomes of their policies based on their future ...
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Victory! Transforming Occupy Wall Street From a Moment to a Movement
Huffington Post (blog)
Progressives within FDR's inner circle -- like Henry Wallace and Frances Perkins -- along with progressives and liberals in Congress used this upsurge of radical protest to push for New Deal legislation that helped farmers, workers, and the unemployed. ...
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Web1 new result for Progressives
Prison » Progressives seek to co-opt diverse 'Occupy ...
Progressives are rapidly claiming the mantle of the fearful and isolated Americans who are using social media to share their non-political stories of huge student ...'o...

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