Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News9 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea Party Envy
Wall Street Journal
"I suffer from Tea Party envy," he confessed at the outset of an early-August column. Although he contemns everything the Tea Party stands for, he continues, "I am jealous of its sense of purpose, its determination and its bracing conviction that it is ...
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Tea party influenced Pinellas commission vote to eliminate fluoride in ...
The tea party movement took flight in 2009 in opposition to big government programs on the national stage, but its influence has since trickled down to local governments to affect the most basic of services — right down to the water that pours from ...
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Samuel L. Jackson agrees with Morgan Freeman: The Tea Party is racist in ...
New York Daily News
BY Aliyah Shahid The "Pulp Fiction" actor told New York Magazine Tuesday that he agreed with Freeman's fiery remarks that the Tea Party was targeting President Obama because of the color of his skin. The Academy Award-winning actor had told CNN that ...
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New York Daily News
Van Jones suggests liberals imitate the tea party
Washington Post (blog)
By Elizabeth Flock Former White House green jobs adviser and author Van Jones thinks liberals need to make their own tea party. Or at least steal their tactics. Van Jones, right, points skyward during a sing-along as federal employees and progressive ...
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HEMP Party to Answer Tea Party
Those infuriating Tea Party activists, with their middle class smiles, middle aged bulges and Revolutionary War ideas, finally are being answered by a new movement of The People, "Occupy Wall Street," or (I suggest), the "HEMP Party" ("Help Employ ...
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The Tea Party movement
Teton Valley News
I can't speak for the Tea Party. No one individual can because it is a movement not a structured organization - no dues or membership cards. There are Tea Party Patriots, Tea Party Express, Tea Party Nation,, and The American Tea Party. ...
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Reid: 'Even the tea party' supports 5 percent tax increase on millionaires
Daily Caller
By Nicholas Ballasy Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has proposed a 5 percent tax increase on millionaires to pay for President Obama's $447 billion jobs bill, arguing that even the tea party supports his idea. "We're going to propose to pay for this ...
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Err Guitar: Tea Party Rallies Against Gibson Eco-Smackdown
The event, sponsored by a laundry list of Tea Party organizations from Mississippi to North Jersey, will feature special musical and political guests, including "Chairman" Amy Kramer of the political action committee Tea Party Express and "Congressman" ...
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Lynden Tea Party event offers debates
Lynden Tribune
WHATCOM — The Bellingham Tea Party announced on Monday that three pairs of county office candidates will debate in Lynden Oct. 18 as part of a "General Meeting" in the Lynden Middle School auditorium. But two candidates say they're not so sure they ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
RealClearPolitics - Tea Party Movement vs. the Establishment
By Ben Shapiro, Townhall
INSIDE OCTOBER. The stars are aligned for Mitt Romney. In every Republican debate, he has been left relatively untouched by the moderators and by every candidate save Gov. Rick Perry of Texas. He continues to ride high in the national ...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage
Progressives fight to Launch Tea Party of their own — RT
Progressives attending a conference called Take Back the American Dream are planning to organize and speak with a more unified voice.
News RSS : Today
Howard Dean: Tea Party "not playing with a full deck," might stay ...
By Ed Morrissey
Howard Dean: Tea Party "not playing with a full deck," might stay home in 2012.
Hot Air » Top Picks
Our Kind of Tea Party -
Our fall design issue's twist on our trademark "T" comes courtesy of the bobo chic Parisian tableware company Astier de Villatte.
T Magazine
Roger L. Simon » "Tahrir Envy" Meets "Tea Party Envy" on Wall Street
By Roger L Simon
It's hard to know how to react to the apparently escalating protests on Wall Street. On the one hand you can just roll your eyes. The numbers aren't very big, especially for New York, and every generation has its "useful idiots." I've been one ...
Roger L. Simon

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