Thursday, October 6, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Is Occupy Wall Street a tea party for Democrats?
Los Angeles Times
Some observers see Occupy Wall Street as a movement that could morph into something like a tea party for Democrats. Protesters say that's not their aim. A New York Police Department lieutenant swings his baton as he and other police try to stop ...
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Los Angeles Times
Tea party activists allowed to use space in Senate building
By KATIE SANDERS TALLAHASSEE -- Florida tea party leaders Thursday proudly announced the grand opening of their "Tallahassee headquarters" for the upcoming legislative session. The location: Room 227 of the Senate Office Building. The Tea Party Network ...
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The OccupyPgh Tea Party connection
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
How alike are the Occupy Wall Street protests spreading nationwide -- including Pittsburgh -- and the Tea Party? I've been to several TP events and to last night's inaugural OccupyPittsburgh planning session and can definitively say they have at least ...
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TRENDING: Tea Party Express chair accuses president of class warfare
CNN (blog)
(CNN) - Tea Party Express Chairman Amy Kremer slammed President Obama Thursday for "playing class warfare" with the "millionaire's surtax." The new tax on those with income over a million dollars a year was introduced by Senate Democrats to pay for the ...
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Slander of Tea Party Continues: Why Blacks Must Be Critical of Race-Baiting
Big Government
by Terrence Jackson If you were to pile Hollywood's most talented black actors, actresses, and singers into a room, many of them would echo the same sentiment towards the Tea Party movement — that they are, in effect, little more than a fringe racist ...
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As Scott Brown fights for re-election, tea party groups vow to sit this one out
Daily Caller
(AP Photo/Harry Hamburg) In 2010, he was the tea party poster boy. In 2012, Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown may not get so much as a nod of acknowledgement from tea party groups. Brown shocked the country back in 2010 when he beat his Democratic ...
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For Sarah Palin the party's over
The Guardian (blog)
As leader of the Tea Party protest movement, she was only ever a pretender. But who will her followers now support? Sarah Palin has turned her back on the presidential race. Photograph: Joe Raedle/Getty Images One would have expected Sarah Palin to ...
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The Guardian (blog)
'Occupy Wall Street' Protests Like Tea Party, Says VP Joe Biden
Christian Post
Biden used the question to link the growing movement against Wall Street to the Tea Party. He discussed the substance behind the Wall Street protests saying, "Let's be honest with one another. What is at the core of that protest? ...
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2012 GOP race: Has the Tea Party already lost?
The Week Magazine
A Tea Party rally outside the Capitol earlier this year: Texas Gov. Rick Perry may be the Tea Party's best shot at winning the White House, though his poll numbers are trending downwards. Photo: JIM LO SCALZO/epa/Corbis SEE ALL 56 PHOTOS Tea Partiers ...
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The woman who opened the door for the Tea Party
BBC News
But her vice-presidential run was the first public manifestation of the Tea Party spirit, and she opened the way for their existence. The political phenomena of Palin made a certain narrative about Obama, not just acceptable but essential on the ...
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BBC News

Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Overheard on Leftist tea party rising? – This Just In - CNN ...
By leahgoldbergcnn
Exchange of the morning: "Bored and boring kids, professional protesters, entitlements mongers and Unionistas do not represent any significant portion of America." -- Steve1o "That's what they said about the tea party when it first started.
This Just In
Did the tea party score Capitol office space? | Naked Politics
By Katie Sanders
Tea Party Network leaders are celebrating the grand opening of their self-described Tallahassee headquarters: Room 227 in the Senate Office Building, Florida Capitol. Republican officials and volunteers trickled in the room Thursday to chat ...
Naked Politics
Jon Stewart | Occupy Wall Street | Tea Party | Video | Mediaite
By Alex Alvarez
On Wednesday night's The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart turned to the Occupy Wall Street protests, explaining that the media's coverage as gone from blackout to its only other setting, circus, as reporters from from all the major networks... and ...
The Real Tea Party | Craig Crawford's Trail Mix
By craigcrawford
I've wondered why the birth of tea party protests fascinated the news media, but coverage of the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd, as Stewart puts it, has ranged from "blackout" to "circus." He also notes this uprising looks a lot more like the real ...
Craig Crawford's Trail Mix
Occupy Wall Street Could Learn From the Tea Party
By Jonathan Capehart
Broadening its base and heading to Washington are just a few important steps for the nascent movement, Jonathan Capehart blogs at the Washington Post.

Web3 new results for "Tea Party"
Reid: 'Even the tea party' supports 5 percent tax increase on ...
Read 'Reid: 'Even the tea party' supports 5 percent tax increase on millionaires' on Yahoo! News. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has proposed a 5 percent ...
'Tea party' remains resolute, with 2012 in view -
Conservative activists, unlike many Americans, are more concerned with shrinking government than job creation. And they are presenting primary challenges to ...,0,4622...
Actor Samuel L. Jackson: Tea Party Racism 'Pretty Obvious ...
New York magazine recently tracked down actor Samuel L. Jackson to show him the Rick Perry nearly-invisible-N-word "scoop" and then asked him if he agreed ...

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