Sunday, October 9, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Is the Tea Party Over?
New York Times
By BILL KELLER This was supposed to be the Tea Party's time. The incumbent president the rebels despise so much seemed vulnerable. The Republican establishment was AWOL, leaderless or intimidated. So the angry, God-fearing, government-loathing populist ...
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New York Times
Tea Party shifts focus from presidency to senate battle
Irish Times
WITH THEIR favoured candidates for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination lagging or out of the race, many Tea Party activists are shifting focus to the struggle for control of the US senate. The fizz has gone out of the presidential contest for ...
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Tea-Party Attacks Put GE on Defense
Wall Street Journal
Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich used GE as an applause line during the Republican debate sponsored by the tea party in September. And Fox News television personality Bill O'Reilly has derided the conglomerate and Chief Executive Jeff Immelt almost ...
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Wall Street Journal
Pelosi: GOP didn't object to tea party taunts, why complain about Wall St ...
Washington Post
Asked to respond, the California Democrat said on ABC's "This Week" that the GOP didn't object to the tea party's in-your-face protests against members of Congress in last year's elections. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor this week said he was ...
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Occupy Wall Street is the left wing Tea Party
Isthmus Daily Page
The similarities between the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Tea Party movement are too great to ignore. Both are populist responses to a perceived coziness between government and big business. Both are fed by the frustration and suffering created ...
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Isthmus Daily Page
Barack Obama supporters stage Harlem Tea Party in support of president's re ...
New York Daily News
BY Jennifer H. Cunningham Backers of President Barack Obama staged a 'Tea Party' rally in support of the president's re-election bid. Dozens of people rallied at a "Harlem Tea Party" Sunday in support of President Obama's reelection bid - and called ...
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New York Daily News
Christie doesn't thrill Tea Party on every issue
BY MICHAEL GARTLAND Governor Christie's Tea Party bona fides, earned by halting the ARC tunnel project and withdrawing from a greenhouse gas reduction effort, probably won't hurt him in Republican primaries if he runs for president four years from now. ...
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Tea Partiers rally for Gibson Guitar
The Hill (blog)
By Bernie Becker - 10/09/11 02:29 PM ET A coalition of Tea Party groups and other organizations held a Tennessee rally on Saturday for Gibson, the guitar maker who has become an improbable player in the Washington back-and-forth over government ...
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TEA Party election manipulation in Arizona makes Sunday NY Times
Tucson Citizen
by DA Morales on Oct. 09, 2011, under Three Sonorans The TEA Party has once again made Arizona proud by making us the butt of jokes nationwide. This time their racial politics have made it to the Sunday New York Times. Critics of Mr. Pearce's hard-line ...
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Tea Party bubble ready to be popped
Your Houston News
I see so many positions taken by Tea Party supporters that really seem to fly in the face of reason, morality and common sense. I understand that frustration with the US economy and the world economy can anger people and cause them to say rash things, ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Presidential Race Loses Fizz For Tea Party
By The Huffington Post News Editors
With their favored candidates for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination lagging or out of the race, many U.S. Tea Party activists are shifting focus to the struggle for control of the U.S. Senate.
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Tea Party Targets Mitt Romney to Block His Nomination in 2012 ...
By Michelle Cottle
Conservatives are gearing up to shut down Mitt Romney's candidacy before it can gain too much steam.
Tea Party Group Launches Effort to Stop Romney from Winning GOP ...
By Doug Brady
A Tea Party Group associated with Lloyd Marcus, The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama, has been ramping up their efforts to make Obama a one-term President. As a part of that effort, they are concerned that the Republicans will nominate a ...
Conservatives4Palin » Blog Archive » Tea Party and Occupy?
By Charles Cameron
Since the essence of my own analytic style (and that of HipBone and Sembl games) is the recognition of parallelisms and oppositions, I was particularly interested to see one group of early Tea Party folk reaching out to the emerging Occupy ...
Reliable Sources Panel Analyzes The Difference Between Tea Party ...
By Josh Feldman
One of the biggest criticisms of the media's Occupy Wall Street coverage is that it has been generally less dismissive of Tea Party protests in the past and.

Web1 new result for "Tea Party"
Tea Party Shakes, Shapes US Politics | USA | English
Protests against Wall Street and economic inequality have grown in New York, Washington and other U.S. cities, as citizens speak out against corporate ...

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