Saturday, October 15, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Sean Penn Says Tea Party Wants to 'Lynch' Obama
Fox News
Actor Sean Penn says the Tea Party wants to "lynch" President Obama, launching the latest celebrity attack on the conservative grassroots movement that has grown into a political force. During an interview with CNN's Piers Morgan on Friday in which ...
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Fox News
Cain's 'Impossible Dream' Resonates With Voters
Fox News
| AP Herman Cain is firing up the crowd at a tea party rally in this West Tennessee town when the generator powering his sound system shudders to a halt. Cain stands awkwardly for a few moments then suddenly begins to sing. Slowly at first but gaining ...
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Fox News
Romney's rise challenges tea party's clout in GOP
Boston Globe
By Charles Babington AP / October 15, 2011 WASHINGTON—Mitt Romney's early success in the Republican presidential race is challenging the tea party's clout. Will it continue to pull the GOP sharply right? Will it slowly fade? Or merge with mainstream ...
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The Tea Party to sell website domain name 0
Toronto Sun
When Canadian rockers the Tea Party picked their band name, they were thinking of hashish-smoking poets, not a US political movement. But the words have taken on new meaning - and much greater value - ever since a ragtag group of frustrated Americans ...
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Tea party leaders say "Occupy Wall Street" mirror image of group
Greeley Gazette
by Jack Minor – Local leaders in the Colorado Tea Party movement have said the leftist group "Occupy Wall Street" is indeed a mirror image of the Tea Party, meaning it is an exact opposite. Occupy Wall Street has rallied people for protests in several ...
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Liam Fox's Atlantic Bridge linked top Tories and Tea Party activists
The Guardian
The Republican senator for Arizona and Senate minority whip, Jon Kyl, and Jim DeMint, a Republican senator for South Carolina and a leading light in the Tea Party movement, were two powerful American members of its advisory council. ...
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Wall Street occupiers, tea partiers are perfect stereotypes
Royal Oak Daily Tribune
By Chad Selweski The contrasts between the burgeoning Occupy Wall Street crowd and the tea party movement that emerged in 2009-10 are so distinct that they match nearly every stereotype of the fringe left and the far right that can be imagined. ...
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Tea Party versus the Occupy Movement
By Don Smith (about the author) The Tea Party movement is not entirely grassroots. It was nurtured and financed by the likes of the Koch brothers and Fox News. But it can't be denied that it does express some populist outrage at government corruption. ...
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Cain wins big in South Carolina tea party straw poll
CNN (blog)
The conservative businessman decisively won a tea party straw poll held in Columbia, South Carolina, Saturday afternoon. Cain captured an eye-popping 55% of the vote. His closest challenger, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, picked up 14.5%. ...
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Tea Party envy
Log Cabin Democrat
By JASON TOLBERT Few will deny that the Tea Party has had a dramatic impact on politics the last couple of years. What has been interesting to watch is the reaction from the left, which has gone from dismissing them, to demonizing them, ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Sean Penn Calls Tea Party the 'Get the N-Word Out of the White ...
By Brent Baker
Left-wing actor Sean Penn slimed the Tea Party as motivated by racism, charging on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight on Friday evening that an impediment to President Obama's success is "what I call the 'Get the N-word out of the White House ... - Exposing Liberal...
Sean Penn: Tea Party Wants To Lynch Obama Video | Mediaite
By Frances Martel
As Occupy Wall Street gains momentum as a global protest movement, many famous faces of the 1% have come out in support of their demands, and, while certainly in more timid fashion than Michael Moore or Russell Simmons, last night ...
Tea Party Activists Infiltrate Occupy DC – Expose Open Anti ...
By Jim Hoft
Three tea party activists and former protest warriors infiltrated Occupy DC where they endured violent threats by far left extremists. You'll notice that the radicals did not care to discuss the issues, they just were insulting, rude and threatening… ...
The Gateway Pundit » Sean Penn: Tea Party Wants to 'Get the N-Word Out of ...
By Meredith Dake
Sean Penn on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight: "And, and there, yet thereâ ™s another problem. You have what I call the 'Get the â ˜Nâ ™-word out of the White House party,' the Tea Party [...] I donâ ™t think thereâ ™s any doubt about it.
Sean Penn: Tea Party wants to 'lynch' n-word in the White House
Appearing on CNN's 'Piers Morgan Tonight,' actor and film director Sean Penn insisted the Tea Party movement is the 'Get the N-Word Out of the White House Party.'
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