Sunday, October 16, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News8 new results for "Tea Party"
Song Adopted by Cain's Campaign Also Aims to Be a Tea Party Anthem
New York Times
If the Tea Party had a theme song, it would be written in the key of common people crying out for accountability. It might rail against the hypocrisy of elites who lecture others about tolerance. It would chastise politicians who stuff their pockets ...
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#OccupyWallStreet, the Tea Party, and 2012 Election Daydream
Huffington Post (blog)
Among its eventual sympathizers; Tea Party members, whose rank-and-file are already beginning to say they and #Occupy share many of the same perceptions--including the political problem of corporate power, the need to hold finance responsible for ...
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Tea Party won't compromise
By ROBERT BOYER | Highlands Today SEBRING - Members of the Highlands County Tea Party are concerned about taxation and government spending, which they say are too high and out of control, especially at the federal level. Since they formed and began ...
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The Contrasting Psychologies of 'Occupy Wall Street' and the 'Tea Party'
What can be said is that how you respond at this still early stage depends on how your psychology fits, or doesn't, with the psychology of this emerging movement, and how that fit contrasts with the very different psychology of the Tea Party. ...
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Occupy Rockford Meets Tea Party Downtown
Co-founder of Occupy Rockford Benjamin Taylor believes there is a serious wealth distribution problem in America; whereas Tea Party Board Member John Harmon believes that we need to change our government, and not the private entity. ...
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Hey, NBA Players, Get Back to Work and Start Playing!
Fox News
By TJ McCormack I'm not a Tea Party guy, but I love the idea of a smaller government and lower taxes. I'm no fan of the Occupy Wall Street gang, but as long as you clean up after yourself and don't block traffic, knock yourself out. ...
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Matt Reed: Top 10 things tea party and 'Occupy' have in common
Florida Today
While Occupy Space Coast planned its weekend march and rally last week, I reviewed old news photos and coverage of the earliest tea party demonstrations in Brevard. Not the stadium programs cosponsored by talk radio and graced by Republican politicians ...
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Grassroots Donors Swell War Chests of Barack Obama, Tea Party-backed Republicans
Center for Responsive Politics
By Seth Cline on October 16, 2011 2:55 PM So far during the 2012 presidential race, it seems the 99 percent prefers President Barack Obama and his Tea Party-backed Republican rivals. That is, small-dollar donors -- those who gave $200 or less ...
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Blogs4 new results for "Tea Party"
RealClearPolitics - Romney's Rise Challenges Tea Party ...
By Charles Babington, AP
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney's early success in the Republican presidential race is challenging the tea party's clout. Will it continue to pull the GOP sharply right? Will it slowly fade? Or merge with mainstream Republican elements in a ...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage
Billionaire Tea Party Brothers Fuel Herman Cain's Campaign | News ...
By Associated Press
Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain has cast himself as the outsider, the pizza magnate with real-world experience who will bring fresh ideas to the nation's capital. But Cain's economic ideas, support and organization have close ...
News One
Tea Party, OWS Congruence Greatly Overstated : Conservative ...
By Brian Garst
The Tea Party side would read, "The government has way too much power, so it should be reduced and the government should therefore be smaller." And the Occupier side would read, "Large corporations have too much power, so it should ...
Conservative Compendium
Philadelphia's Independence Hall Tea Party Association Creates ...
By stasiad
The Independence Hall Tea Party Association says the group has created a coalition it calls Liberate Philadelphia/Liberate America. And, it started a Facebook page to try to sort out the truth.
CBS Philly

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