Thursday, October 20, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Report: Tea Party fave Rubio enhances family story
USA Today
Marco Rubio, a Tea Party favorite frequently mentioned as a possible GOP vice presidential pick, is pushing back on a story in The Washington Post that says he embellished the facts about his family's departure from Cuba. "To suggest my family's story ...
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USA Today
Tea Party and Teachers' Union Make Strange Brew: Jonathan Alter
But now the Tea Party is pushing Republicans to abolish the Department of Education and resist any federal "intrusions" into education. Letting the "laboratories of democracy" take the lead makes sense in certain areas, like when states use tax breaks ...
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Tea Party ally: Flat tax could be good for Rick Perry
USA Today
By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY A leading Tea Party ally believes Rick Perry's call for a flat tax could be a boon to the GOP presidential candidate. Dick Armey was a key proponent of the flat tax when he was House majority leader in the mid-1990s. ...
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USA Today
Tea Party Vs. Occupy Wall Street
Many are trying to compare this movement to the Tea Party. But are these movements really that similar? I caught up with Tim Chapman, chief executive officer of the conservative group Heritage Action for America, and asked him whether the "99 percent" ...
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Tea Party plans its own rally, eyeing Occupy Charlottesville
The Daily Progress
A Jefferson Area Tea Party request was met with similar rapidity. After a permit allowing Occupy Charlottesville to take over Lee Park zipped through City Hall in less than a day, the Jefferson Area Tea Party will be holding a free speech rally in ...
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Gingrich draws Tea Party crowd at North Texas stop
Fort Worth Star Telegram
"He's a good governor," Gingrich told an overflow crowd of more than 200, mostly Dallas Tea Party members, at the Embassy Suites Hotel. "However, we are running for president. "Help me make sure we don't deprive Texas of a very good governor. ...
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Fort Worth Star Telegram
Gibson Guitar Raid by US Angers Tea Party, Charlie Daniels
By William McQuillen Oct. 20 (Bloomberg) -- A raid on Gibson Guitar Corp. by US agents seeking illegally imported wood has given anti- regulation activists from the Tea Party to fiddler Charlie Daniels one more reason to dislike the Obama ...
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What tea party defeat in Wake County means for schools
Washington Post (blog)
Stephen Colbert mocked tea party supporters of school re-segregation. And US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan weighed in with support for the integration plan. Meanwhile, the Chamber of Commerce, which believed segregated schools are bad for ...
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FreedomWorks to Host Tea Party Debt Commission Field Hearing in Indianapolis
MarketWatch (press release)
WHAT: FreedomWorks will host the next Tea Party Debt Commission field hearing in Indianapolis, IN. Local activists are expected to attend, and encouraged to bring their own proposals for specific cuts to the federal budget. ...
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Bachmann knocks Occupy Wall Street movement, praises tea party
Sacramento Bee
By JOSH RICHMAN SAN FRANCISCO -- The Occupy Wall Street movement differs from the tea party movement not only in its political aims but in its sanitation habits, Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann said Thursday. "The tea party picks up ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
RealClearPolitics - Occupy Wall Street Certainly No Tea Party ...
By Matt Kibbe, Forbes
The "Occupy Wall Street" movement desperately wants to be compared to the Tea Party, because such a comparison would give the fledgling, misguided movement unearned legitimacy. But there are three key characteristics that separate ...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage
Tea Party Terrorism | Blogging Blue - Blogging Liberally in the ...
By Jeff Simpson
Resolved that: President Obama has seized what amount to dictatorial powers to bypass our Congress, and that because the Congress is controlled by a Progressive socialist Senate that will not impeach one of their kind, they have allowed ...
Blogging Blue - Blogging Liberally...
Will the Real Culprit Please Stand Up! | Tea Party Tribune - Tea ...
By Kevin A. Lehmann
I'm sorry to inform the "Occupy Wall Street" gang (OWS) that the corporate icon they are protesting (The New York Stock Exchange) is not the guilty culprit.
Tea Party Tribune - Tea Party... » Tea Party Activist Speaks At #OccupySanDiego
By Meredith Dake
Rick Amato was invited to speak at an Occupy San Diego gathering. It was going well until he took a poll on how many were "socialists" in the crowd and how many did not identify with socialism. After that, it all went down hill.
Walsh: Tea Party, Occupy Have Nothing In Common | NBC Chicago
By Edward McClelland
By insisting that the Tea Party is nothing like Occupy Wall Street, Rep. Joe Walsh helps President Obama portray both groups as radicals.
NBC Chicago - Local

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