Saturday, October 22, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
For tea party and Occupy Wall Street movements, some common ground
Washington Post
Wayne Schissler walked the four blocks from his workplace to the small Occupy Allentown protest to show the young demonstrators that a tea party member is not a monster. What he learned after a few hours of talk surprised him. "They didn't stink, ...
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Tea Party still hunting for its champion
By Michael Levenson and Matt Viser COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa - Tea Party activists have time, energy, and a ready-made volunteer army to devote to the presidential campaign. Now, if they could only find a candidate. Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, and, ...
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Occupy, tea party movements share roots
Nashua Telegraph
At first glance, the Occupy Wall Street movement and the tea party movement appear to be polar opposites. One rails against, among other things, the overarching power of wealthy banks, the other assails the federal government's overreach into ...
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Christine O'Donnell Donates to Romney, Says Movement Isn't Being Fair to Him
ABC News (blog)
Christine O'Donnell, the former Republican Senate candidate and a Tea Party favorite during the 2010 election, said in an exclusive interview with ABC News that she has not only given money to presidential candidate Mitt Romney but also says she ...
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ABC News (blog)
Tea Party Nation Blogger: US Small Businesses Should Not Hire, In Order to ...
International Business Times
By Ashley Portero | October 22, 2011 12:26 PM EDT Melissa Brookstone, a blogger for the Tea Party Nation, gained notoriety this week after a post titled "Call For a Strike of American Small Businesses Against The Movement For Global Socialism" went ...
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International Business Times
Why the Tea Party is Totally Misunderstood
Why the Tea Party is Totally Misunderstood.
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Mourdock wins Tea Party-affiliated PAC Freedomworks' endorsement
But it was a small Tea Party gathering near the airport that grabbed the spotlight. Presidential hopeful Herman Cain was in town for one dinner, and GOP national Chairman Reince Priebus was at another, along with prominent Congressman Paul Ryan of ...
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'Tea Party' to rally against U.N. at Capitol steps
Bellingham Herald
Activists with South Sound "Tea Party" groups plan a rally at noon Monday on the state Capitol steps "to celebrate American independence and national sovereignty." But the announcement from Pierce County activist Lawrence Hutt says it is "in opposition ...
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Republican Crowd Cheers As Tea Party Rep. Labrador Condemns Corporate Tax Dodgers
By Scott Keyes and Lee Fang on Oct 22, 2011 at 12:00 pm An unlikely scene emerged at a Republican conference Thursday afternoon: a tea party congressman deplored corporate tax-dodging, and the conservative audience responded with cheers. Freshman Rep. ...
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VJ St. Pierre re-elected St. Charles Parish President
The Tea Party is for sale. Not Tea Party nation or even the Louisiana Tea Party, but the Tea Party.Well, kind of, as it… Saturday afternoon, the LSU Tigers, ranked first the nation, will play SEC rival Auburn in a big college football match-up. ...
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Blogs3 new results for "Tea Party"
Occupy Wall Street vs The Tea Party | Crooks and Liars
By John Amato
OWS protests Unfortunately, decades of hate-talk AM radio - beginning with Rush Limbaugh, followed up by the creation of Fox News by Roger Ailes - have up to this point irrevocably damaged our political discourse and cultural lines.
Crooks and Liars
Herman Cain: Runaway Slave | Tea Party Tribune - Tea Party ...
By LloydMarcus
Outspoken Leader in Tea Party Movement Tea Party Express Spokesperson. Co-Chair for the Campaign To Defeat Obama Composer: "American Tea Party Anthem" Author: "Confessions of a Black Conservative", foreword by Michele Malkin. ...
Tea Party Tribune - Tea Party...
Occupy Wall Street, Tea Party: United In Distrust | KOSU Radio
By KOSU News
At both Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party protests, you might hear similar opinions on the 2008 bank bailout, the federal deficit and government spending, and the influence of corporations and money on Congress. Harvard professor ...
KOSU Radio

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