Sunday, October 30, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
A Tax Bracket Divided Over a Plan to Pay More
New York Times
Mr. Barr, a petroleum geologist who said he made $1.2 million a year, described himself as a staunch conservative, and said his views of tax policy reflected his fiscal conservatism. "The United States needs a tax increase for the sake of its fiscal ...
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New York Times
Memo to Big East: Spare us the politics and play ball
Syracuse are taking a backseat to Big East politics. Now that we're just a few days away from actually playing the games, I'm prepared to ignore, at least for a while, the outrageous fact that the Big East Conference is being torn apart. ...
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Perry Presses for Second Look From Early Voters
New York Times
He added, "We've got a war chest that allows us to get that message out there." Two months before the Republican contest opens with the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, two questions loom: Can Mr. Romney attract the three-quarters of ...
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Pakistani cricket legend rallies 100000 people in significant display of ...
Washington Post
ISLAMABAD — Cricket legend and opposition politician Imran Khan railed against the government and its alliance with the US before more than 100000 flag-waving supporters Sunday, establishing himself as a force in Pakistani politics. ...
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Why America is embracing protest
Financial Times
By Edward Luce When the Tea Party erupted in the spring of 2009, both US political parties were quick to define it. Democrats depicted the anti-tax agitation as "AstroTurf" – faux populism staged by conservative millionaires. ...
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Financial Times
Half of American households on government benefits, Census says
Bangor Daily News
By Brian Faler, Bloomberg News WASHINGTON — Political dysfunction is often blamed for Congress's inability to curb the US budget deficit. An even bigger obstacle may be the American public. A record 49 percent of Americans live in a household where ...
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Pensions the latest political risk for RI governor
"This is the biggest challenge of his governorship," said Brown University political science professor Wendy Schiller. "If he fails, I think this is the end of the Chafee governorship in terms of relevance." The former Republican US senator said one of ...
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In Iowa's GOP caucuses, 'it's absolutely wide open'
USA Today
"(Mitt) Romney has that health plan; all of us don't like that," the 75-year-old woman with a halo of white hair says as friends Paula McClaflin and Marilyn Dorland nod in agreement, squinting in the Sunday sunlight. "(Rick) Perry had the schooling for ...
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USA Today
Libertarian Party Tells Ron Paul to Come On Over
ABC News (blog)
It sounds like you're trying to tell us what to think. It's pretty insulting. I'ma registered Republican and Dr. Paul is getting my vote as a Republican, Libertarian, or write-in. ABC, you try so hard but come election day all your efforts will be for ...
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ABC News (blog)
Ficano walks tightrope over Elder
Crain's Detroit Business
"The community was debating what was happening in Wayne County and were concerned that this issue was going to turn into an Arab issue," said Siblani, who is also treasurer of the Arab-American Political Action Committee. "I assured them that we will ...
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Blogs2 new results for U.S. Politics
Perry: can balance U.S. budget with lower revenues - Politics ...
Perry: can balance U.S. budget with lower revenues - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican.
Politics & Government
e-IR » The Dreamboat That Ran Aground: US Policy Towards ...
By Christy Quinn
While my dissertation aims to provide an accurate representation of how the US executive's policy towards Venezuela and Latin America changed between 1955 and 1960, it does not attempt to provide a full study of the influence of the ...

Web2 new results for U.S. Politics
In U.S., High Interest in National Politics for Non-Election Year
Americans' interest in news about national politics is higher than is typical for a non-election year. Conservatives and Americans 65 and older are especially ...
Offshore Oil and the Complicated US-Cuban Political Landscape ...
The US-Cuban political situation is archaic; that is increasingly clear now that other nations are working to drill for oil in Cuban waters. Will the US need for ...

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