Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday's Daily Brief

Monday, October 31, 2011
Occupy Wall Street Protests Heat Up In Texas, Oregon
Chris Matthews' Book Uncovers Deeper Truths About JFK
Why Mitt Romney's Bypassing National Media
7-Billionth Babies Celebrated Worldwide
Libya's Prime Minister Confirms Presence Of Chemical Weapons
Marlo Thomas: What Your Kids Might Not Be Telling You
In case you need reminding from when you were a kid -- kids keep secrets from their parents. But there is one secret, for sure, that has to be brought out into the open... because it's killing them.
Lauren Bravo: Slutty Halloween: Why Can't Women Just Wear Normal Fancy Dress?
Somewhere between the Thriller video and Kitty Brucknell humping that dartboard, Halloween became the get-out-of-slutty-free card - a chance for nice, normal girls with a tasteful line in Uniqlo cardigans to crank their assets up to their chin and embrace their slaggy alter egos for a night.
Leo W. Gerard: Sacrilege: Wall Street Worship
Americans have been worshiping a bull. Too many citizens, and particularly politicians, prostrate themselves to Wall Street's bronze idol.
Xochitl Gonzalez: 5 Topics You Shouldn't TOUCH When Giving A Wedding Toast
Should you be asked to make some remarks at a wedding, or are thinking of taking the mic up at your own wedding, here are five topics that should be avoided ... at any and all costs.
Fred Bernstein: America's Mega-Mansions and Micro-Cribs Grow Farther Apart
For every homeless person, at least four houses are sitting empty in America. In a more just world, anyone seeking to build a 30,000-square-foot house would also have to fund a homeless shelter -- and make it at least as big as their guest wing.

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