Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday's Daily Brief

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Help Us Pick the Sports Game Changers of 2011
Help Us Pick the Culture Game Changers of 2011

Tell Us Who Changed the Game in Your Life and Win a Trip to Celebrate with HuffPost in NYC!
Republican Debate Turns Into Bizarro Faculty Lounge
Obama Jobs Plan Voted Down By Senate
Arianna Huffington: More 2011 HuffPost Game Changers: Culture, Business/Technology, and Sports
Time for the next round of HuffPost's 2011 Game Changers -- the innovators, mavericks, visionaries, and leaders who are changing the way we look at the world and the way we live in it. This week we announce Game Changers in Culture, Business/Technology, and Sports.
Jamie Lee Curtis: Words With Friends and Back to Home-Ec
I would not have thought that the gentle pleasures of being a wife and the mother -- playing a word game with friends and creating a beautiful home -- would be today's pastime for many, many women.
Alan Schroeder: Debate at Dartmouth: Jobs, Economics and the GOP
Rick Perry needed a big night and he didn't have one. Cain needed to push his message beyond the 9-9-9 plan but he couldn't do it. Romney needed to maintain the status quo -- that he managed, and then some.
Alma and Colin Powell: Counting Success One Student, One Community at a Time
The volume of conversation about education has increased over the last few years, but what's often lost are the very real stories of the young people whose lives are impacted and the people and programs that are beating the odds.
Preston Bailey: 10 Ways Feathers Can Figure In Your Wedding
My cozy instincts are kicking in, and I've been playing around with lots of feathers of all different shapes, sizes and shades.

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