Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday's Daily Brief

Friday, November 18, 2011
Syracuse Assistant Basketball Coach Being Investigated For Child Abuse
Wall Street Disconnected From Protests It Views As Misguided, Misdirected
House Set To Take Major Vote
Cain Gets Secret Service Protection After Death Threats
White House Shooting Suspect Charged With Assassination Attempt
David Wild: "So Sad About Us": A Parting Playlist for Demi & Ashton
I try to take absolutely no pleasure in celebrity breakups -- our national bloodsport in recent years. That said, this one just makes me sad -- two nice people who seemed so very happy, and then not. So here's my mostly downbeat playlist for Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher.
Pamela Redmond Satran: Baby Names 2012: 12 Trends To Look Out For
Every year, it seems, people become more aware of the power of names. And yet names are still free and universal, which increases the pressure to find that one perfect name that defines and encapsulates all your hopes and dreams for your child.
Richard (RJ) Eskow: Privatizing Liberty
News reports described the "hundreds of police and private security guards" who had re-taken Zuccotti Park. Those private guards were used against public citizens who had been exercising their civil liberties in a public area. That's un-American.
Carol Hartsell: Men Aren't Funnier Than Women: Ridiculous Study Attempts To Answer Stupid Question
That loud banging noise you hear every time someone asks "which gender is funnier" is the collective sound of actual, real-life funny women slamming their heads against whatever hard object they can find.
Doug Kendall: Questions for "Gridlock Grover" Norquist and His Shrinking Flock
Talking about the buyer's remorse, a growing bipartisan collection of members of Congress is backing away from the Norquist "no-tax" pledge.

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