Saturday, November 5, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
Cameron is 'not my boss', says new Scottish Tory leader
The Independent
The new leader of the Scottish Conservatives last night sought to distance herself from David Cameron, as a new poll showed Scots do not back full independence. Ruth Davidson insisted the Prime Minister is "not my boss", adding: "If he needs a quiet ...
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Public service professionals vote to join CLC to battle Conservatives ...
Vancouver Sun
By Kathryn May, Postmedia News November 5, 2011 The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada has decided to join the Canadian Labour Congress to battle against Conservatives' spending cuts that it predicts will cut thousands of jobs and ...
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Cain, conservatives look foolish blaming scandal on race
By Roland Martin, CNN Contributor (CNN) -- If you're Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Brent Bozell, Sean Hannity, and yes, even Herman Cain, you must feel pretty stupid for trying to fool the American people by blaming the reporting on sexual harassment ...
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Perry, trailing in Iowa, must hone conservative message
Austin American-Statesman
And he should retool his message, which now is almost exclusively about jobs and taxes, to appeal to the religious conservatives who have a lot of say in who wins the caucus. Doing well in Iowa is key for Perry to stay in the hunt for the nomination ...
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Austin American-Statesman
Why GOP power player Jim DeMint isn't endorsing in the 2012 presidential primaries
Washington Post
Not only is DeMint the most popular Republican in the critical primary state of South Carolina, he has become a national hero among conservatives thanks to his bold support of conservative insurgents running for Senate in 2010. Newly elected Sens. ...
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Concerned conservatives rally, Occupy FW members show up
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) - Concerned conservatives and members of Fort Wayne 9-12 were drumming up support for Republican candidates one last time before the election. They also wanted to do something larger - kick out "occupyers" from one of Fort ...
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Frustrated conservatives in Clackamas County gain momentum
The other is an initiative spurred in large part by conservative activists who spent months at civic meetings and outside grocery stores and gas stations to gather the 9378 signatures needed to qualify for the ballot. Urban renewal is just the latest ...
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Pious racial indignation over Cain's offenses
Liberals, she said, detest black conservatives, but the truth is, "our blacks are so much better than their blacks." Social conservative pundits tend to be astonishingly obtuse when discussing race (See Exhibit A above), so it is good they rarely do so ...
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Enjoying National Conservative Spotlight, Allen West Set to Shine at CPAC
Sunshine State News
Allen West will be on the national stage in February when he will be a featured speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington. Sponsored by the American Conservative Union, which has former Republican Party of Florida chief Al ...
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Sunshine State News
Occupy Washington protesters struck by car near conservative summit
National Post (blog)
Protesters from Occupy DC march past the Washington Convention Center during a demonstration against the billionaire conservative donor Koch brothers and Americans for Prosperity, on November 4, 2011 in Washington, DC. Americans for Prosperity, founded ...
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Blogs4 new results for Conservatives
Hundreds of Occupy D.C. Protesters Block Conservatives From ...
Recent Entries. Hundreds of Occupy D.C. Protesters Block Conservatives From Leaving Summit · EU: Treaty of debt (ESM) – stop it now! Bill Gates Urges Obama to Embrace Global Tax · Giuliani: Obama Owns #OccupyWallStreet · Terror Alert: ...
Conservatives Shouldn't Fear Classist Campaign Against Romney ...
By Dave Gaultier
This photo seems to have gone viral in recent weeks as evidence of the tack that Democrats plan to take against Gov. Romney should he clinch the GOP.
Race 4 2012
Saturday Night Card Game (Three reasons why conservatives ...
By William A. Jacobson
The bottom line is that the conservative movement can only go so far in embracing black conservatives because the socially conservative base has proven it will turn on a dime when the House Negro shows a spine. Look at the racial hellfire ...
Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Open Season On Your Women And Children: #OccupyDC ...
By Pat Dollard
These videos show protesters harassing and assaulting attendees leaving the conservative event, a mother shouting at the protesters who, apparently, tried to harass her children, women being shoved to the ground by protesters, and the ...
Pat Dollard

Web2 new results for Conservatives
Even Conservatives Think Republicans Are Sabotaging the ...
Read 'Even Conservatives Think Republicans Are Sabotaging the Economy to Hurt Obama' on Yahoo! News. Asked, "Do you think the Republicans are ...
Hundreds of Occupy D.C. Protesters Block Conservatives From ...
Hundreds of Occupy D.C. protesters descended on the city's convention center Friday night, blocking the streets around where a conservative group was ...

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