Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
Christmas tree tax derided by conservatives, denied by White House
Christian Science Monitor
Christmas tree tax causes uproar: what conservatives are calling a Christmas tree tax and the White House is calling an industry-sponsored Christmas tree promotion program has been scrapped after conservative criticism. By MARY CLARE JALONICK, ...
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Rae blasts Conservative, NDP 'narrative' as dishonest
Vancouver Sun
By Lee Berthiaume, Postmedia News November 9, 2011 Interim federal liberal leader Bob Rae says the "populist narrative" spread by the Conservatives and NDP in an effort to win votes has exacerbated a breakdown in public trust for government. ...
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A conservative's unlikely defense of the healthcare reform law
Los Angeles Times (blog)
That's been a particular rallying cry for conservatives and Republican judicial appointees, such as District Court Judge Roger Vinson of Florida. Finding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to be unconstitutional, Vinson wrote, ...
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EJ Dionne / Syndicated columnist Conservative overreach reflected in Tuesday's ...
The Seattle Times
Given an opportunity to build a long-term majority, Republicans instead pursued extreme and partisan measures on ballots around the country, writes EJ Dionne Jr. On Tuesday, they reaped angry voter rebellions. everyone knows what these "conservatives" ...
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Jon Huntsman and Conservative Identity Politics
American Spectator (blog)
He argues, in essence, that many movement conservatives prefer pandering to the movement -- in the form of throwing red meat to the base or heaping praise on its institutions -- to a solid record of conservative accomplishment, or even a good current ...
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Tories miss deficit targets but don't pay political price
If the Conservatives thought advancing the deficit elimination timetable by a year was a big political winner in April, why is pushing it back a year or two not a big liability in November? "We do see there is a kind of tolerance for deficits but an ...
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Yes, Conservatives, There Is Sexual Harassment
Huffington Post (blog)
By Donna Ballman In the wake of the Herman Cain sexual harassment scandal, some conservatives are making outrageous and insulting statements about women who are sexual harassment victims. They ask, "Is there anyone who thinks sexual harassment is a ...
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Conservative group calls on Kagan to sit out healthcare case
The Hill (blog)
By Sam Baker - 11/09/11 04:16 PM ET Conservative legal activists on Wednesday renewed their calls for Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan to abstain from cases involving President Obama's healthcare law. Conservatives say Kagan should recuse herself from ...
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How to persuade conservatives to love spending
Washington Post (blog)
Bartels and Haselswerdt found that although conservatives and liberals differ over their support for a housing program described as a "grant," both groups love the same progrma when it's described as a tax deduction. Not only is the tax expenditure far ...
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Can Romney Sell Himself to Conservatives?
The real issue is whether Mitt Romney can make any headway with conservatives. With his recent address on the economy, Romney began an effort to persuade conservatives that despite his refusal to embrace radical proposals on Social Security and ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
How to Fool Conservatives Into Spending Money | Mother Jones
By Kevin Drum
What's a little more interesting, though, is that camouflaging this program as a tax deduction mostly affected conservatives. Liberals and conservatives both supported the tax deduction version at the same rate (an average of about 4.5 on a ...
Kevin Drum Feed | Mother Jones Conservatives Still Hate Glee
So does anyone with good taste, but that doesn't seem to be the issue here. Radar Online says:Glee broke prime time television boundaries by suggest...
Conservatives Trump Up Phony "Christmas Tree Tax" Story « Alan ...
By Alan
The official site of Alan Colmes-liberal commentator, syndicated radio talk show host and Fox News Channel political contributor.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Here's Why Conservatives Are STILL Wild About Herman Cain
By Grace Wyler and Michael Brendan Dougherty
Cain and his conservative fans apparently haven't gotten the message. A recent NBC/WSJ poll found that a majority of Republican voters — and nearly 6 in 10 Tea Partiers — aren't concerned about Cain's alleged sexual harassment. In fact ...
Business Insider
Perry flat tax is fool's gold for conservatives — Maine Opinion ...
By UnBylined
Texas Gov. Rick Perry's tax plan is an attempt to solve a problem that no Republican has yet overcome: how to make a flat tax politically palatable. The result he came up with is a proposal that is neither flat nor attractive. Perry's mistake wasn't ...
Bangor Daily News

Web2 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives: Sexual Harassment Is a Myth - The Daily Beast
Perpetuate sickening stereotypes in defending Herman Cain.
Gallup Poll: Conservatives 42%, Liberals 21% |
( - Self-professed conservatives now outnumber self-professed liberals in the United States, 42 percent to 21 percent, according to a Gallup poll ...

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