Thursday, November 17, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
Why conservatives might embrace Newt Gingrich
Washington Post (blog)
But some conservatives, such as Jennifer Rubin and Andy Ferguson, have also warned that Newt's credentials as an intellectual heavyweight are entirely unearned, and that GOPers nominate a megalomaniac like Newt at their peril. ...
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Calif. court hands conservatives a victory in Prop 8 case
Washington Post (blog)
LOS ANGELES — The California Supreme Court handed conservatives a big victory on Thursday (Nov. 17) by allowing them to defend a statewide ban on gay marriage that a federal judge struck down as unconstitutional last year. The court's 7-0 ruling is a ...
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Conservatives, Media Missing the Boat on Clean Energy
Huffington Post (blog)
But as this competition for limited fossil fuel resources heats up, the media and conservative politicians are increasingly questioning federal investments in clean energy. Using selective facts and a very narrow definition of national interest, ...
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Tim Harper: For Conservatives, contrary positions are treasonous
Toronto Star
But to hear the noise from the Conservative side of the House of Commons this week, one would think that the Halifax NDP MP and her colleague from Nickel Belt, Claude Gravelle, were treasonous subversives who should be drawn and quartered at dawn. ...
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Conservative celebs mostly not yet committed for 2012
The Hill
Best-selling author Dean Koontz also cut a check for the outspoken conservative legislator. Actor Gary Sinise, who endorsed McCain in 2008, has no plans to back a candidate this time around. "Gary isn't registered with any political party, ...
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Conservatives punt on minibus spending bill
The Hill (blog)
By Erik Wasson - 11/17/11 05:12 PM ET House conservatives sent a strong message to GOP leaders on spending on Thursday when 101 GOP members voted against the leadership-backed appropriations "minibus." The minibus, which contains the 2012 Agriculture, ...
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Gingrich and the conservatives' game of chicken
Who will conservatives pick as the new "anti-Romney" to stop former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a conservative in his present incarnation but once a moderate and therefore not trusted by conservatives? Several conservative heavyweights, including ...
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Conservative Hollywood Celebs Endorse Perry, Bachmann and Paul
Christian Post
By Stephanie Samuel | Christian Post Reporter GOP Candidates Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry and Ron Paul lead their rivals in securing the elusive support of conservative celebrities. Republicans candidates are accumulating star endorsements from singers ...
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Conservatives hide from opposition and impose closure on their controversial ...
OTTAWA — The Conservative government is once again hiding from opposition scrutiny and imposed a gag order to silence critics of their controversial crime legislation, bill C-10. and ram it through committee. In the Standing Committee on Justice this ...
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Conservatives Attempt to Strip LGBTs from California's Fair Education Act
"Without honest and inclusive classrooms, we cannot expect schools to provide the safe learning environment that all students deserve." An earlier effort to kill the FAIR Act failed when conservatives didn't receive the required signatures to qualify a ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
GayPatriot » Once again, the liberal meme that conservatives are ...
By B. Daniel Blatt
This isn't the first time I've come across this silliness. I've also seen the same applied to Victor Davis Hanson, and to Freeman Dyson. Why are they "dumb"? Because they have differing opinions on issues than liberals do, such as Hanson's ...
The Enemies Within: The 20 Most Dangerous Conservatives And ...
By Stephen D. Foster Jr.
And now, Fox News makes every effort to slander Democrats, lie to the public, and support conservative groups, activists and politicians at all costs. Want to tell Ailes what you think of him? Feel free to contact Fox News Channel by mail, phone ...
Addicting Info
Christian conservatives 'in driver's seat' in Va. | Washington Blade ...
By Lou Chibbaro Jr.
With Republican Robert McDonnell as governor, if Republicans win the dispute over who fully controls the Senate, the conservative-leaning GOP would be in control of all branches of the Virginia government for the first time since the Civil War ...
Washington Blade - America's...
A Letter to All Conservatives: Rick Perry. | RedState
By constitutional (Diary)
Year by year, every member of congress gets a salary increase. I do not care about their wealth, but about the money they receive from my checkbook. In fact, I.
No surprise: Local reps rank high as conservatives | Politics Extra
By pkostyu
Louis Terhar, R-Green Twp., was not in the ranking because he has not been in the Legislature long enough, according to a spokesman for the Conservative Union. Terhar was appointed to the House in September and the rankings were ...
Politics Extra

Web1 new result for Conservatives
RealClearPolitics - Conservatives Look to Unite Against Romney
Republicans - conservatives in particular - should nominate not just a candidate who can beat Mr. Obama but one who understands the gravity of this choice and ...

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