Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives, Romney, and Electability
Wall Street Journal
By MICHAEL MEDVED Conservative resistance to Mitt Romney's nomination increasingly emphasizes electability as much as ideology, concentrating on his perceived weaknesses as a candidate along with an inconsistent approach to the issues. ...
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Conservative groups hail supercommittee failure
Washington Post (blog)
(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Leaders of conservative groups on Tuesday had a message for Congress: The supercommittee's failure wasn't necessarily a failure. One day after the co-chairs of the bipartisan panel announced that they were unable to reach ...
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Conservatives set to rush crime bill back to Commons
Toronto Star
The Conservative government's massive nine-in-one "omnibus" crime reform package of legislation heads back to the Commons for a final vote after a rushed committee study of it concludes Wednesday. The most damning analysis came from Quebec Justice ...
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Conservatives Should Celebrate Supercommittee's Failure
Even as GOP presidential contenders lied to our faces during televised debates, all agreeing they would not even accept a deal of 10-to-1 spending cuts versus tax increases, the GOP supercommittee members attempted to sell out the entire conservative ...
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Iowa conservative group Family Leader won't endorse Cain, Paul or Romney
Washington Post (blog)
By Perry Bacon Jr. A key Iowa social conservatives group announced Tuesday it will not endorse former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney or businessman Herman Cain, but is still evaluating if it would back one of the other candidates. ...
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Conservatives table bill to loosen self-defence, citizen's arrest laws
National Post (blog)
Justice Minister Rob Nicholson: "Canadians want to know that they are able to protect themselves from criminal acts and that the justice system is behind them." By Douglas Quan The Harper government has re-introduced legislation that gives citizens ...
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Conservatives Never Learn
Las Vegas Review-Journal (blog)
In the file "Conservatives Never Learn" comes this from the recent appearance of Michele Bachmann on the Jimmy Fallon late-nite tee-vee show. The house band for Fallon is the Roots and they've made a name for themselves by playing snarky walk-on songs ...
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Conservatives Applaud Debt Panel Republicans For Opposing Tax Hikes
Talk Radio News Service
By Mike Hothi Conservative activists applauded Republicans on the congressional 'super committee' today for opposing Democratic attempts to raise taxes. The group held a press conference Tuesday morning to praise the six GOP lawmkers on the debt panel ...
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Judge's Obamacare Ruling Should Focus Conservatives on Real Issue
Silberman forces the Supreme Court's five conservatives to face the sobering implications of affirming the power asserted with the mandate. Does Congress' enumerated power to regulate interstate commerce empower it to compel individuals, as a condition ...
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Blogs4 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives should not underestimate the Obama Cult › 2.0: The ...
By Rodan
Too many Conservatives underestimate Obama. They underestimated him in 2008 and are making the same mistake. This man is formidable and has a cult following. He is symbol of American washing away its sins to the Left. We are dealing ...
2.0: The Blogmocracy
DownWithTyranny!: David Frum Asks Conservatives To Look In The ...
By DownWithTyranny
"I am haunted by the Bush experience," he admits, and later points out, "Conservatives have been driven to these fevered anxieties as much by their own trauma as by external events. In the aughts, Republicans held more power for longer ...
Center for American Progress' Outreach to Occupiers: Conservatives ...
By John
Here's the TP rebuttal: This morning on Fox News Sunday, conservative panelists did their best to smear and discredit the 99 Percent Movement. Pundit Bill Kristol called the protests "un-American" and "fundamentally undemocratic," despite ...
Verum Serum
Conservatives, Media Missing the Boat On Clean Energy ...
By Third Way
The criticisms of investing in clean energy ignore that our nation is on an unsustainable energy path, and that for a range of reasons we must diversify.

Web1 new result for Conservatives
Noahpinion: Why conservatives can't get people to work hard
Conservatives often believe that much of the poverty in the United States is an issue of insufficient discipline and conscientiousness...Yet how can such a culture ...

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