Thursday, November 3, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News10 new results for "Family Research Council"
Family Research Council Screaming About O'Brien's Same-Sex Wedding
Lez Get Real
Conan O'Brien is going to perform a same-sex wedding on his show and the Family Research Council is having a conniption fit! According to the FRC "If Conan O'Brien thinks hosting a same-sex 'wedding' on his show will help its popularity, the joke's on ...
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Family Research Council wants God to stop gay adoptions
LGBTQ Nation
By Alvin McEwen Over the years, I have blogged about many several nasty, underhanded, and mean-spirited things done by the Family Research Council in the name of God. Homosexual Adoption — Building upon Congress' passage of a pro-homosexual federal ...
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LGBTQ Nation
Rep. Walsh lauded by group for being pro-family, though accused of owing child ...
Chicago Sun-Times
Joe Walsh, R-McHenry, was the only Illinois congressman to be named a "True Blue" member of Congress for "unwavering support of the family" by the Family Research Council Action committee Thursday. Walsh's ex-wife says Walsh owes more than $100000 in ...
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News roundup: Evangelical leader says liberals will attack Mormonism
Salt Lake Tribune (blog)
Wimmer and Family Research Council. Happy Thursday. Utah's congressional members and Gov. Gary Herbert are going to the mat on potential job losses at Hill Air Force Base. [Trib] [StandEx] [DNews] This will not be the last you hear on this. ...
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The Utah Highway Patrol case crosses more minds ...
Salt Lake Tribune (blog)
Al Hartmann | The Salt Lake Tribune The Family Research Council Action's Values Voter Bus Tour stopped in Murray on Thursday next to Utah State Trooper roadside crosses that are now facing removal in the court case Davenport vs. American Atheists. ...
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Idaho's Crapo, Labrador, Risch rated 'True Blue' for perfect 'pro-family ...
The Idaho Statesman
Raul Labrador — had 100 percent voting records this year, according to Family Research Council Action and CitizenLink. The trio won "True Blue" status for their perfect voting records. There were eight senators and 44 House members with 100 percent ...
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Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Praises DOMA Repeal Hearings
Lez Get Real
The Family Research Council is busy running around screaming, ranting and drooling all over themselves over the fact that there are hearing into the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. Still, there are others who are praising the move, including New ...
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Values Voter Bus Stops at Utah Cross Facing Court Ordered Removal
MarketWatch (press release)
3, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Today, Family Research Council Action's (FRC Action) Values Voter Bus stopped in Murray, Utah, to express great disappointment in the US Supreme Court's decision to let stand a Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals decision ...
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Conservative Christian Groups Lobby Against Gay Judicial Nominee
In separate letters obtained by The Advocate, FRCAction, the legislative arm of the Family Research Council, and the Traditional Values Coalition accused Fitzgerald of failing to acknowledge that his history of involvement with LGBT advocacy groups and ...
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Personhood USA Reports Unprecedented Endorsements for Yes on 26 Campaign
PR Web (press release)
Organizations including American Family Association, Liberty Counsel, Mississippi Baptist Convention, and Pro Life Mississippi have endorsed the pro-life amendment, and Family Research Council has bolstered the effort by defending it on MSNBC. ...
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PR Web (press release)

Web1 new result for "Family Research Council"
Family Research Council wants God to stop gay adoptions ...
Family Research Council wants God to stop gay adoptions.

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