Friday, November 4, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
Libya looks set to chart moderate course on Islam
BBC News
By Mohamed Madi BBC Monitoring The threat of radical Islamic extremists coming to power in Libya was a spectre repeatedly invoked by Muammar Gaddafi and his supporters in order to delegitimise the Libyan revolution. It was an argument that largely ...
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BBC News
Islam in Tunisia - Will Ennahda Win Usher in Religious Reform?
Voice of America
November 03, 2011 Islam in Tunisia - Will Ennahda Win Usher in Religious Reform? Tunisians question the Ennahda Party Constituent Assembly win in a country that has been secular for decades. Others say that's precisely why the Islamists did win. ...
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FRENCH FIREBOMBING: Attack on magazine is a violent reminder of the satirist's ...
Washington Post (blog)
The French Council of the Muslim Faith told the AP that it disapproves of "the very mocking tone of the paper toward Islam and its prophet but reaffirms with force its total opposition to all acts and all forms of violence. ...
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Malaysia bans Islamic sex guide
ABC Online
By Kanaha Sabapathy for Radio Australia Malaysia has banned an Islamic sex guide published by a controversial group that urges Muslim men in polygamous marriages to have group sex with their wives. Anyone found in possession of the guide, published by ...
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Libya will become an Islamic state?
The Voice of Russia
I do believe and everybody began to understand that the main role in this new governmental coalition will belong to Islamic movement. It is not dangerous but it will create some problems because, look, several days ago or maybe a week ago or two weeks ...
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The Voice of Russia
Mexico's Tzotzil Indians convert to Islam
SAN CRISTOBAL DE LAS CASAS, Mexico — Raised a Christian, Manuel Gomez now goes by Mohamed Chechev, and counts himself among a handful of Tzotzil Indians converted to Islam by Spaniards in southern Mexico. "I am Muslim. I know the truth. ...
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Friday's letters: Radical Islam is threat to US
Hassan Shibly of the Council on American-Islamic Relations attacked me and Allen West in a letter for defending America against the dangers of sharia-compliant Islam. I have long spoken out against the dangers of radical Islam. ...
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Women Could Promote Rights Through Islam
U.S. News & World Report
By Jessica Rettig Despite the perception that strict Islamic law and feminism are incompatible, women's rights advocates argued Wednesday that Muslim values could actually help women of the Arab Spring promote greater equality. ...
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MIDEAST DEBT-Turkey may become major sukuk source for Gulf investors
Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's ruling AK Party, a socially conservative but economically liberal party with roots in political Islam, might well favour such an issue, and the government has previously indicated it could issue a sukuk to diversify its ...
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Blogs1 new result for Islam news
Offices attacked after magazine mocks Islam :: Catholic News ...
The attack against the offices of the French satirical magazine, "Charlie Hebdo," has been unanimously condemned in France.
CNA Daily News

Web2 new results for Islam news
IslamOnline, Islamic News, Islamic Finance and Business - King and ...
King and Spalding advised Kuveyt Turk Katilim Bankasi A.S. (KTPB), a Turkish participation bank majority-owned by Kuwait Finance House, in the issuance of ...
Message of Islam - Arab News
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah's message to Islamic scholars is timely as the Haj season provides the opportunity to convey the message to ...

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