Monday, November 21, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
Seif al-Islam Gadhafi captured in southern Libya
eTaiwan News
Moammar Gadhafi's former heir apparent Seif al-Islam was captured by revolutionary fighters in the southern desert Saturday just over a month after his father was killed, setting off joyous celebrations across Libya and closing the door on the ...
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Reality of Islam hard to dispute
Toronto Sun
By Peter Worthington ,QMI Agency Last week, on Michael Coren's Agenda show on Sun News TV, Steve Emerson discussed realities of Islam in America in a way that is seldom heard, but is hard to dispute. Coren, himself, seemed somewhat shaken by his ...
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Reframing the debate on Islam in France
By Tareq Oubrou Why does the public expression of Islam pose a problem — not just in France, but all over Europe? Yesterday, it was the construction of minarets in Switzerland; the day before, it was the headscarf. Today, it is the demand for halal ...
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Tunisia's New Premier Faces Islamic Test
The Media Line
Heading an interim government with two secular movements, the secretary-general of the Islamic Ennahda Party will shepherd along the process of writing the first new constitution of the Arab Spring. But, most of all, Jebali will be the one responsible ...
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Iran daily closed over Ahmadinejad aide interview
The article, in a supplement to the Iran daily in August, contained an interview suggesting that chadors - the traditional black dress of devout Iranian women - had their origins in 19th-century Paris, rather than being prescribed by Islam. ...
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Balancing US Policy on an Ally in Transition
New York Times
It will set an influential precedent for smaller countries in the region, determine whether the Muslim Brotherhood's brand of Islam is compatible with democracy and decide the future of relations with Israel. In the longer run, there is concern that ...
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TLC series shows what it's like to practice Islam in America
UT The Daily Texan
"A lot of non-Muslims are watching the show to learn about Islam, and a lot of Muslims have said the show is horrible because it doesn't show Islam how it's supposed to be, but really, it's a show about people who practice Islam in America," Sheikh ...
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UT The Daily Texan
Witnesses:Ethiopian troops enter Somalia, opening a new front of against the ...
eTaiwan News
Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama supports traditional Sufi Islam and opposes the amputations and stonings carried out by al-Shabab. However, Ethiopia's foreign ministry spokesman Dina Mufti denied that troops have crossed the border into Somalia. ...
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Jonathan to probe politicians over Boko Haram's activities
The Nation Newspaper
He noted that Islam forbids suicide bombings and killing of innocent persons for unjust cause. Aliyu urged members of the sect to desist from killing innocent people or face the wrath of Allah. The governor urged Boko Haram to choose a peaceful medium ...
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Blogs2 new results for Islam news
Libya's Saif al-Islam holed up in NTC stronghold - News - Mail ...
Libyan militiamen are holding Saif al-Islam in their mountain stronghold following his capture, a month after his father Muammar Gaddafi was killed.
Mail & Guardian News Feed
Frontier Post :: Peshawar News :: Ittehad Bainul Muslimeen ...
By shimran
Ittehad Bainul Muslimeen Conference Anti-Islam elements dividing Muslims on basis of sectarianism: Iftikhar. Posted on November 21, 2011. F.P. Report. NOWSHERA: The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Information, Public Relation, ...
Frontier Post

Web1 new result for Islam news
IslamOnline, Islamic News, Islamic Finance and Business - IDB ...
JEDDAH - Fitch Ratings has affirmed the Islamic Development Bank\'s (IDB) Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at \'AAA\' with a Stable Outlook and Sho ...

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