Friday, November 11, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
The case against Liberal primaries
Here's why it's a bad idea. by Jeff Jedras on Friday, November 11, 2011 3:45pm - 0 Comments As desperate as Liberal party of Canada members may be for reform and renewal, we shouldn't just jump into bed with the first pretty reform proposal that ...
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Conservative philosophers and liberal wonks
Washington Post (blog)
Carl Bogus is a liberal law professor who, as part of writing a biography of William F. Buckley, has been reading the conservative canon. Here he is being interviewed — by himself — in the National Review: Q. What is different between conservative ...
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Why some liberals are supporting Imran Khan
The detractors are claiming that only Mumtaz Qadri supporters were there but the reality is that even liberals (yes the real liberals) were present at the rally of a man whom the liberal media often calls "Taliban Khan". Not only that they were present ...
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Copps tops five-candidate list for Liberal presidency
Vancouver Sun
By Lee Berthiaume, Postmedia News November 11, 2011 After seven years of watching politics from the outside, former Liberal deputy prime minister Sheila Copps is vying to become president of the Liberal party. OTTAWA — The window on accepting ...
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Ont. Liberals looking at lowering surgery fees
TORONTO — The minority Liberals will try to reduce the fees for some surgeries as part of their plan to lower doctor salaries and manage health-care costs. With a $16-billion deficit and soaring health-care costs, the Liberals are under pressure to ...
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Liberals need to clean house: MacDonald
St. John's businessman Dean MacDonald makes no bones that Newfoundland and Labrador's Liberal party needs a complete shakeup before it can win an election. "At this stage the party needs to start over," MacDonald said in a feature interview to be ...
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So now liberals are for deregulation, too
Baltimore Sun (blog)
Sunday's column is about the Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act, which would exempt small stock offerings from oversight by the SEC or state regulators. As written the bill is nuts. It's an invitation to defraud small investors. ...
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Herman Cain Played the Race Card, But Liberals Are the Ones Who Dealt It
New Republic
What would the reaction be from liberal partisans, and assorted other supporters? We can easily imagine that there would be urgent questions about the motivations of the woman who came forward, and the media outlets that broke the news. ...
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New Republic
Billionaire brothers copy liberals' high-tech tactic
Sydney Morning Herald
Behind the curtain... Republican candidates (clockwise from top) Jon Huntsman, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and Rick Perry. Photo: AFP Two oil tycoons with strong right-wing views look set to ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Column: Sounds of liberal silence
Worthington Daily Globe
SAN DIEGO — Latino liberals are preparing to betray their pro-immigrant rhetoric by helping to re-elect the most anti-immigrant president in six decades. SAN DIEGO — Latino liberals are preparing to betray their pro-immigrant rhetoric by helping to ...
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Blogs4 new results for Liberals
Althouse: "Herman Cain Played the Race Card, But Liberals Are the ...
By Ann Althouse
Liberals have not only failed to acquit themselves well with their self-righteous deployments of race allegations—they have encouraged conservatives to follow their lead. Conservatives, unsurprisingly, have acquitted themselves equally ...
Althouse » Blog Archive » The Silence of the Liberals
By Claudia
Today I had lunch with a group of co-workers, all liberal, when the discussion turned to Herman Cain and the "scandal". Some derogatory remarks were made and I let them go on for a few minutes. Then at a perfectly chosen time, I asked ...
By Administrator
Modern liberals like imported beer (with lime added), but most prefer white wine or imported bottled water. They eat raw fish but like their beef well done. Sushi, tofu, and French food are standard liberal fare. Another interesting evolutionary ...
The Burning Platform
EVEN-THE-LIBERAL NEW REPUBLIC ... - No More Mister Nice Blog
By Steve M.
EVEN-THE-LIBERAL NEW REPUBLIC: IT'S LIBERALS' FAULT CAIN SHAMELESSLY PLAYS THE RACE CARD Yup -- according to John McWhorter in The New Republic, if Herman Cain is behaving in an appalling way, we deserve the ...
No More Mister Nice Blog

Web1 new result for Liberals
Liberals, Conservatives, and ideology
Carl Bogus, a self-avowed liberal read a bunch of conservative books and came to some strange conclusions. (HT: MR) First, his list of canonical conservative ...

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