Thursday, November 17, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
Blogger's Nude Photos Split Egyptian Liberals
ABC News (blog)
Elmahdy has been criticized not just by conservatives but also by liberals wary of losing votes to Islamist parties in Nov. 28 elections, the first since a February uprising ousted President Hosni Mubarak, the report said. Most of Egypt's majority ...
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ABC News (blog)
A Liberal Defends Obama
Huffington Post
Yet among liberals there only seem to be complaints about the President's performance. "Why hasn't Obama done more?" we moan. "Why doesn't Obama stand up to the Republicans?" we fret. And then there's every progressive's favorite parlor game: "What if ...
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Liberals, Tories join forces to bolster native drinking-water systems
Globe and Mail
The Conservative government has thrown its support behind a Liberal bid to improve access to drinking water in first nations communities. Interim Liberal Leader Bob Rae introduced a motion in the House of Commons Thursday asking the government to ...
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Globe and Mail
Perils of a new liberalism
The News International
If Gen Musharraf should be tried and punished for anything, it should be for the crime of co-opting and corrupting the very definition of political liberalism. His libel of a term that is the antithesis of militaristic politics has inverted its very ...
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Tuition break on way this January: McGuinty
Toronto Star
But the opposition questions the merits of beginning a tuition cut program — at a cost of $201 million in 2012 and $423 million in 2013/2014 — when the Liberals won't support their idea of removing the 8 per cent provincial portion of the HST off of ...
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BC Liberals introduces concussion law forcing injured player from play
Winnipeg Free Press
VICTORIA - BC Liberal backbencher Moira Stilwell has proposed legislation she says will help prevent concussions in youth athletes. Stilwell's private member's bill will make it the law to remove a young athlete from play if a concussion is suspected. ...
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Modernising liberalism
To retain relevance in the 21st century, liberals in the US will need to revitalise their ideology. It has been a great epic and a great dream. What, now, of the future? In 1931, the historian, James Truslow Adams, published The Epic of America, ...
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Dan Arnold: Liberals oppose seat plan for the sake of opposing
National Post (blog)
The Liberals have come out against an expanded House of Commons, arguing we have enough MPs as it is. I personally feel the problem is one of quality rather than quantity, but most Canadians would likely agree with the Liberal position and it makes a ...
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Liberals have lost all sense of decency
Lakeland Times
However, it is obvious that the conservatives respect the rights of others and don't demonstrate in a similar manner when they don't agree with the liberal agenda. Get with it news media - you wonder why the Journal Sentinel has a plummeting ...
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Blogs1 new result for Liberals
Liberals Aren't Stupid After All « Academe Blog
By John K. Wilson
In the Atlantic, Klein discusses his major mea culpa retracting a study last year that he trumpeted as proof that liberals are stupid about economics. Last year, I wrote a lengthy blog post condemning Klein's biased study, and I certainly wasn't ...
Academe Blog

Web1 new result for Liberals
Who's Happier: Conservatives or Liberals? | The Business Desk with ...
He argues conservatives are happier because they are more optimistic than liberals. Liberals doubt whether individuals can climb without government help, ...

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