Friday, November 18, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Liberal seat-distribution formula takes three away from Quebec
Globe and Mail
The Liberals say they are prepared to take seats away from provinces – including Quebec – if it means the number of MPs can be held to 308 and all provinces are fairly represented in the House of Commons. Marc Garneau and Stéphane Dion, two Quebec MPs, ...
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Globe and Mail
Take heart, liberals. Dems hung tough this time.
Washington Post (blog)
Progressives often think that Dems always cower in fear or cave to Republicans in the face of GOP attacks painting them as Big Spending Liberals, but here's a case where Dems stood their ground and did the right thing. The failed vote shows that a lot ...
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McGuinty sends message to opposition: Liberals still in charge
Globe and Mail
Ontario's governing Liberals are signalling that they remain in charge, even though the recent election left them one seat shy of a majority. The government has rejected two major initiatives from the opposition, both of which are at odds with its own ...
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Egypt Islamist says liberals using smear tactics
Youssry Hamad, a leader of the Al-Nour (Light) Party which follows a strict interpretation of Islamic teaching, also accused liberals of smearing their image by using stereotypes that wrongly suggested the group would drag Egypt back in time. ...
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Liberal party dead, new book proclaims
Toronto Star
OTTAWA—The Liberal party is dead and the "natural governing party" title now belongs to Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservatives, author Peter C. Newman has proclaimed in his new book. "If you had the chance to relaunch the Liberal party today, ...
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Egypt in uproar after blogger posts nude photos
By MAGGIE MICHAEL CAIRO — An activist who posted nude pictures of herself on her blog to protest limits on free expression has triggered an uproar in Egypt, drawing condemnations from conservatives and liberals alike. Charla Nash no longer feels like ...
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Dialogues With Liberalism
Times of India
A few nights ago, i found myself ascending the splendid winding staircase of the National Liberal Club in London's Whitehall. The club was founded by William Gladstone and its grand heyday was - like that of Britain's Liberal Party - long past. ...
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Liberal Economist Frank: Congress Will Be Guilty of 'Gross Political Malpractice'
PBS NewsHour
"Bob Frank and PJ O'Rourke AGREE," Paul Solman tweeted recently, referring to the political differences of liberal economist Frank and conservative satirist O'Rourke. "Build the damn bridges. Now." Frank and O'Rourke recently partnered to author an ...
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PBS NewsHour
Checkbooks open at liberal donors conference
Los Angeles Times
By Tom Hamburger and Melanie Mason Washington Bureau A panel of liberal "super PAC" leaders won over a crowd of potential donors at the Mandarin Hotel during this week's closed-door meeting of the Democracy Alliance, an elite group of wealthy Democrats ...
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Los Angeles Times
Liberal MPPs visit City Hall as legislature set to resume
Ottawa Citizen
By Neco Cockburn November 18, 2011 Mayor Jim Watson (3rd from left) addresses the media alongside Ottawa-area Liberal MPPs and councillor/deputy mayor Eli El-Chantiry (2nd from right) after a meeting in Watson's city hall office in Ottawa on Friday, ...
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