Thursday, November 24, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Labor denies deal to install Slipper
ABC Online
This morning senior Liberals kept up their fire on Mr Slipper, labelling him a "rat" and a "problem" within the party who was about to be sacked anyway. Mr Slipper has attracted his fair share of adverse publicity over the years: he has had to pay back ...
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Ont. Liberals lose HST vote
The defeat for the Liberal minority government comes less than a week into its first legislative session since the October election but isn't necessarily a long-lived one. Even with the Progressive Conservatives throwing their weight behind the HST ...
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Liberal Barry Penner quits as MLA
Former Liberal attorney general Barry Penner announced Thursday it would be his last day in the house. "To everything there is a season and for me the season of serving in electoral office is drawing to a close," Penner said. ...
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Liberals insist Premier must face grilling motion
Kuwait Times
Liberal groups insisted that the Prime Minister face the grilling motion . In a brief statement issued after an emergency meeting, the opposition blocs said that the "brutal attack of the special forces on citizens and MPs is rejected and represents a ...
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LNP denies driving Peter Slipper to jump ship
The Australian
They accused Mr McIver, a former Queensland Nationals president, of overrunning Liberals in the LNP and defying the repeated requests of Tony Abbott and federal Liberal director Brian Loughnane to back off Mr Slipper. "McIver and his mates have ...
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Liberal evangelicals don't represent me!
And in the last 10 years, I fear some of the founders of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), who first met in 1942 to counter the liberal Federal Council of Churches of Christ (which would become the National Council of Churches), ...
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Liberals quick to cover getting caught with hand in cookie jar
The Province
By Michael Smyth, The Province November 24, 2011 9. The BC legislature: Colin Hansen should be pleased we thought of this one: He could do bedside press conferences touting BC's health care. For a government so slow in getting rid of the hated ...
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Liberals Demand Federal Government Action on Prescription Drug Shortages
OTTAWA— Liberals today demanded the federal government take action to prevent critical drug shortages. The call was made after a successful roundtable with representatives from pharmaceutical companies, academics and health care stakeholders to ...
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Time to hold provincial Liberals accountable
Owen Sound Sun Times
The McGuinty Liberals are bulling ahead with the closure of the local jails in Owen Sound, Walkerton and Sarnia. The legislation passed to facili t at e this boondoggle was rammed through the legislature in April as one of those add ons to the budget. ...
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Liberals beware
Cambridge Times
After Cambridge MPP Rob Leone introduced his private members motion on Thursday, Guelph MPP Liz Sandals, parliamentary assistant to the minister of health and long-term care, said that costing for Liberal health care promises including 18 new hospitals ...
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