Sunday, November 13, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Caucus Day: Burlington Democrats make a choice today from among four candidates
Sees himself as a fusion candidate, stating "the madness has to stop" between city Democrats and Progressives. Ashe said he would accept Progressive endorsement if he wins Democratic nomination today, but would be out of the race if he loses. ...
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American Crossroads Ad Targets Warren, #OccupyWallStreet
Big Government
We progressives have latched on to the OWS Movement and we will ride it to the ouster of all the Tea Bagging, Koch Sucking Republicons in Both houses who have put a stop to any progress in this country. Those of you who have been brainwashed by Fox ...
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To wild GOP crowd cheers, Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachman vehemently defend ...
Obama is a more competent technocrat than Bush, and it's perfectly reasonable, I guess, for progressives to claim those limited tactical differences as a "success." But the list of foreign policy "successes" compiled by Think Progress — echoed in many ...
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Prison realignment done right
Los Angeles Times
"Progressives" litigating against prison conditions and 2. the refusal of the "Progressive" dominated legislature to both build more prisons and lower public employee prison guard costs. Pinning the problem on anything else is sophistry. "Progressives ...
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Los Angeles Times
Dick Spotswood: Time to focus on race for open seat in Congress
Marin Independent-Journal
The progressives, representing the party's far left, bask in Woolsey's 10 terms of representation. The party's liberals and moderates cherish Blue Dog Democratic Rep. Mike Thompson. He miraculously satisfies the left while retaining his moderate, ...
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Photo: Sun News Publishing
Daily Sun
The election petition tribunal II sitting in Awka has nullified the return of Tony Uche Ezekwelu of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) as member representing Idemili South State Constituency in Anambra State House of Assembly. ...
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It Did Happen Here
Human Events
Sanger was hardly alone among progressives in advocating genetic cleansing. Sidney and Beatrice Webb, WEB Du Bois, George Bernard Shaw, Emma Goldman, and other leftist icons of the past century vigorously supported eugenics. Edward Bellamy dreamed of ...
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The Art of Conserving
The Daily Gazette
Progressivism, or the historical seed of progressivism that sprung up at the turn of the last century, hitches its hopes on progress. Progressives idealistically march forward, whether chasing "Change we can believe in" or some other bright new dawn. ...
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Cain doesn't get the pass Clinton did because of his race
The Tennessean
It has been said that the progressives' greatest fear is a conservative black man. Herman Cain isn't even in office yet, and the GOP candidate has already found himself in the middle of a political sex scandal over allegations he sexually harassed ...
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Election results strip bare any myths about San Francisco
San Francisco Examiner
Which brings us to another election topic, the myth that San Francisco is a "progressive" city, a notion perpetrated by propagandist wags. While it's true that The City does play home to people who call themselves progressives, reality says that San ...
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