Sunday, November 20, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News6 new results for Progressives
Why Do Progressives Like Bob Beckel Work For Fox?
What purpose does it serve to have a liberal or progressive voice on a network whose viewers could care less what he has to say or what right-wing lie he exposes? We live in the age of hate where the right wing has trained it's followers to "believe" ...
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Key Burlington Democrats see Tim Ashe's candidacy as threat to the party
That's a concern to many solid Democrats that the Progressives expect the Democrats to underwrite some of the Progressive policies." Progressive policies, he said, tend to have "a more liberal bent" than Democratic policies. Keogh denied that Ashe's ...
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Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupy and MSM, Part 2
I also detailed how the MSM are accelerating their progressive blitz, not only to hasten the second coming or election of President Obama, but also to help him and other progressives in reaching their final goal of "fundamentally transforming the ...
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ODC:The Occupation Movement and Those That Would Love it to Death
While everyone from the Progressives to the Far-Right are trying to find a way to take a chunk for themselves, we are galvanizing as a community and a movement. When our friends decide to join with us rather than secretly occupy the Occupation in order ...
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COPE couldn't compete in big budget battle between NPA, Vision
Vancouver Sun
But that was small consolation to a room full of glum progressives chugging back beer from a keg. Campaign manager Nathan Allen said COPE couldn't compete in the big money battle between Vision and the NPA. "The other campaigns are reporting over $2 ...
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Occupy our consciences
Washington Post
Many progressives longed to make them central political questions. Occupy realized that the old approaches hadn't worked. So it provided the media with a committed group of activists to cover, a good story line and excellent pictures. ...
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Web1 new result for Progressives
Dear Obama and the Progressives « Musings from the Chiefio
The "Progressives" (often called 'The Left', though that is a poor term) have created a "protest movement" against {something ill defined} and are demanding ...

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