Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News9 new results for "Tea Party"
Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party: Is There a Bridge Over America's ...
Huffington Post (blog)
While the two sides appear to be mired in disagreement, if you look closely at the signs and slogans of the Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party movements, they are strikingly similar: Washington is broken; the Middle Class is broke; Corporations are ...
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Tea Party Losing Steam? Snowe's Re-Election Now Looking Safer
The Moderate Voice
Olympia Snowe's prospects for winning the Republican nomination for another term as Senator from Maine are looking the best they have in two years, in what could be a sign of Tea Party fever dwindling. In October of 2009 only 31% of Maine GOP voters ...
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The Moderate Voice
In NH, How Important Is Tea Party Support?
Around the country, the Tea Party is expected to play a large role in shaping whoever is the nominee. But things are playing out differently in New Hampshire. Every month, the Rochester 912 Project group meets at the Salmon Falls Church. ...
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MS Tea Party - Support Bryant on election day
Yall Politics
Southwest MS Tea Party, Vicksburg Tea Party, and MS Gulf Coast 912 Project. In addition we work and coordinate with another eight to ten tea party groups in the state. We believe that it is become the most prosperous and powerful the world has ever ...
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Kasich to visit TEA Party, GOP in Portage today
Ravenna Record Courier
John Kasich is scheduled to make a brief stop in Portage County today to thank Portage County Republicans and TEA Party members for their help in supporting state Issues 2 and 3. The visit is being sponsored by Building a Better Ohio, ...
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Tea Party Removes Gay-Themed 'Fruited Plain' from America the Beautiful
Huffington Post (blog) (satire)
Continuing its unyielding support of America's core values, the Tea Party, in a statement released to the press from an unnamed satellite office, has taken action to remove the phrase "fruited plain" from all future performances of America the ...
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The Tea Party Announce "No Politics, Just Rock and Roll" Fall Tour
After a five year hiatus and in the midst of some very humourous political grumblings, "Morrocan Rollers" The Tea Party have made 2011 their comeback year. After playing Sarnia Bayfest and the Ottawa Bluesfest this spring and summer, ...
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Arpaio to speak Thursday at tea party meeting
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio will be the guest speaker at the Maricopa Tea Party monthly meeting at 6:30 pm on Thursday, at Maricopa Community Church, 44977 W. Hathaway Ave. across from post office. Local tea party organizer Irene Littleton said ...
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Governor Nikki Haley Stands with Tea Party on Immigration
Tea Party supporters of South Carolina's law cite a study by the respected non-partisan Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) that showed the cost of illegal immigration to South Carolina taxpayers is $333 million per year for emergency ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Bruce Reyes-Chow: The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street ...
By Bruce Reyes-Chow
It is important for people to understand that most monolithic movements, as they are portrayed by media, supporters and detractors are probably not as all-good or all-bad as they would like us to think they are.
The Full Feed from HuffingtonPost.com
RealClearPolitics - GOP Must Choose Romney, Not Tea Party ...
By David Frum, CNN
Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post. Yesterday, I took Texas Gov. Rick Perry to task for his bizarre and unseemly comments that re-raised birtherism and the secession issue. ("Canard" would be a better term than issue.) Today he told CNBC's ...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage
The Cain Mutiny | Tea Party Tribune - Tea Party & Political News
By David Leeper
Herman Cain's candidacy gives Americans a chance to fire back at Washington's elites, the Far Left, media pundits, and racialists.
Tea Party Tribune - Tea Party...
RINO Tool Ray LaHood Rips Tea Party For Coming To Congress ...
LaHood blames the Tea Party freshmen in particular — saying they "came here to do nothing" — but he also blasted the GOP leadership. LaHood noted how different this freshman group of legislators is from the 1994 Republican revolution, ...
Weasel Zippers
Tea Party Dwindles in Maine
Tea Party Dwindles in Maine. A new Public Policy Polling survey finds Sen. Olympia Snowe's (R-ME) prospects for winning the GOP nomination for another term are looking the best they have in two years. Two years ago, just 31% of Maine ...
Taegan Goddard's Political Wire

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