Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea party funding
Chicago Tribune
(Oct. 30) alluding to similarities between the tea party and the Occupy movement reflects a theme that has been making the rounds of much of the press these days. The Week called the Occupy movement the "Left's Tea Party," and numerous other online ...
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Occupy Wall St vs. Tea Party: comparing US grass-roots movements
The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street sit at opposite ends of the political spectrum, but both movements are feeding off the same popular emotions -- frustration over the economic crisis, and a profound antipathy for Washington politics. ...
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Tea Party Patriots replace Florida coordinator (blog)
The Tea Party Patriots, an umbrella organization that claims a membership of 3600 local groups across the country including 134 in Florida, has quietly replaced its leadership in the Sunshine State. Out is Everett Wilkinson. In is Pam Wohlschlegel. ...
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AFDI/SIOA Applauds Florida State Tea Party Decision to Rescind Invitation to ...
PR Newswire (press release)
2, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A prominent national human rights and advocacy organization today applauded the Florida State Tea Party Convention's decision to disinvite a scheduled speaker, controversial Islamic supremacist Hassan Shibly of the ...
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Tea Party vs. OWS: The psychology and ideology of responsibility
Big Think (blog)
And this, I think, helps explain why self-described libertarians are more likely to identify with the Tea Party movement, which was launched by Rick Santelli's indignant rant about subsidizing "losers'" mortgages, than with the Occupy Wall Street ...
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Who Speaks for the Silent Majority?
New York Times
AMERICAN politics might appear polarized along a red-blue divide, but the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements are claiming to do the same thing: defend the real majority against the powerful elites and vocal interest groups that control the ...
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New York Times
Tea Party Republicans' Latest Attack on Women's Health and Birth Control
YubaNet (press release)
2, 2011 - This morning, Tea Party Republicans in the House will launch their latest attack on birth control and women's health. Rep. Joe Pitts, chair of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, will hold a hearing about taking away new ...
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Mitt Romney, the Tea Party, and the Rise of Conservative Political Correctness
Patheos (blog)
A series of erroneous news reports led a prominent local talk radio host to (wrongly) declare that I was causing a client to surrender to ACLU demands, essentially called me a coward, and then urged local Tea Party leaders to raise money to "fire" me ...
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The Tea Party: Extreme or Mainstream in 2012?
Christian Broadcasting Network
By David Brody Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is popular with the Tea Party for his anti-Washington stance and plan to restructure the tax code. Some say he's being attacked because of those ideals. Since its birth, the Tea Party has ...
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Will There Be a Tea Party Candidate in Florida's 14th Congressional District?
Mack, son of former Senator Connie Mack III, had earlier said he would not run for the Senate, leaving former Charlie Crist appointee George Lemieux, corporate CEO Craig Miller, and Tea Party-backed candidates Mike McCalister and Adam Hasner to battle ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
AFDI/SIOA Applauds FLA Tea Party Decision to Rescind Invitation to ...
By Pamela Geller
2, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire -- A prominent national human rights and advocacy organization today applauded the Florida State Tea Party Convention's decision to disinvite a scheduled speaker, controversial Islamic supremacist ...
Atlas Shrugs
Rep. Hank Johnson: Tea party Republicans trying to steal 2012 ...
By Eric W. Dolan
"The tea party Republicans are trying to hijack our right to vote, so that they can steal the 2012 election," he said. "I don't know about you, but I am disgusted with tea party Republicans' attempt to use voter suppression laws to erode ...
The Raw Story
Tea Party calls for removal of D46 school board member ...
By Andrea L. Brown
The Lake County Tea Party is calling for the resignation of Grayslake District 46 School Board Member Sue Facklam after an investigation by the state's attorney's office concluded she violated the Illinois Election Code. Lake County ...
TribLocal - Grayslake
Tea Party Says Cities Favor Occupy Protesters | Joe Miller
By NewsEditor
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Tea party activists on Thursday accused officials in at least four cities of giving preferential treatment to anti-Wall Street pro.
Joe Miller
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-olt) Says Tea Party ... - Weasel Zippers
Same Hank Johnson who thought Guam might "tip over and capsize" if we stationed too many U.S. troops there. (Raw Story) — Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia said on the House floor Wednesday that tea party Republicans in state ...
Weasel Zippers

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