Monday, November 7, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea Party Vs. Occupy Wall St.: Who Wins? Neither
Investor's Business Daily
View Enlarged Image Both the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements claim to speak for the disaffected public, but new data show the public doesn't think much of either one. Less than a third of the public — just 31% — has a favorable impression ...
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Accuser Confronted Cain About Harassment at Tea Party Meet in October
Talk Radio News Service
A woman who alleges Herman Cain sexually harassed her 14 years ago says she confronted him about the incident before a Tea Party event last month. In a press conference with her attorney Gloria Allred today in New York, Sharon Bialek told reporters ...
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Florida Tea Party Convention fails to draw top GOP officials, candidates
Florida Independent
By Ashley Lopez | 11.07.11 | 11:26 am This weekend's Florida Tea Party Convention failed to draw many of the GOP candidates invited to participate: Out of the eight GOP presidential candidates, only Rick Santorum showed up to speak. ...
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Local tea party leader: End Occupy Charlottesville camp
The Daily Progress
A local tea party leader called Monday for the Charlottesville City Council to end to the Occupy Charlottesville camp in Lee Park, but councilors showed no signs of wanting to take action before the occupiers' special-event permit expires on ...
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From Howard Dean to the tea party: The power of
Politically inclined grass-roots activism on both the right and left is alive and well on Meetup in the thriving number of tea party and Occupy Wall Street groups using the site. And they're looking for changes that are much bigger than anything ...
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Arkansas Tea Party Criticizes NLR Mayor on Eve of Tax Election
On the eve of a special tax election in North Little Rock, the Arkansas Tea Party is criticizing the city's mayor. The Arkansas Tea Party made its opposition to the tax known in a news release which stated that the City of North Little Rock will ...
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Mike Lupica: Cain is a thin-skinned phony
New York Daily News
That includes big elected Republicans and "patriots" from the right-wing media and zealot Tea Party backers like the Koch brothers, who clearly believe this is their time to buy the White House no matter what kind of mediocrity they have to run against ...
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New York Daily News
Gingrich amasses largest South Carolina campaign footprint
CNN (blog)
Columbia, South Carolina (CNN) - Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is building the largest campaign operation to date in South Carolina, hoping to seize conservative tea party support that could help keep his candidacy alive. ...
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Elon Poll finds North Carolina residents evenly split on anti-Wall Street ...
The Republic
EMERY P. DALESIO AP RALEIGH, NC — North Carolina residents are evenly divided in how they feel about the anti-Wall Street protest movement and the Tea Party that preceded it catering to Americans angry about the country's business and government ...
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So You Say A Black GOP & Tea Party Member Can't Be Christian…
In response, a subscriber wrote,"You can ask us to look past him being a GOP, but you can't ask us to look past his claim to be a tea party Christian." Please do not think me rude or mean by stating the following truth. ...
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Blogs4 new results for "Tea Party"
Santorum gets standing ovation at Daytona tea party convention ...
By Todd Kiefer
DAYTONA BEACH -- Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum got a front-runner's reception when he arrived Sunday at the Tea Party Florida Convention. A crowd of more than 300 conservative voters gave a standing ovation to the only presidential ...
Joe. My. God.: Tea Party Ted Says...
By Joe
Tea Party Ted Says... It was hard to pick a single panel from Buzzfeed's Tea Party Ted meme, so I just went with the first one. Hit the link for the rest. Labels: Buzzfeed, Tea Party, teabaggers. New! Share this on Facebook: Share. posted by Joe ...
Joe. My. God.
Overheard at a Tea Party Rally: "If You're a White Man, Then Shut ...
By Morgen
Videos: Washington State Ports Shut Down Over 35 Jobs and Union Turf War; Yesterday it was news when a group of ILWU union members in Longview, WA created a ruckus, reportedly occupying property and threatening police with rocks ...
Verum Serum
Coco's Tea Party: First Look: Roksanda Ilincic For Matches
By Coco's Tea Party
Did you all watch The X Factor last night? If so you'll probably be obsessed with the monochrome look that Florence Welch rocked for her exclusive performance. The outfit in question was custom made Roksanda Ilincic and today there is ...
Coco's Tea Party

Web2 new results for "Tea Party"
Chicago TEA Party Lead Activist on Sharon Bialek...
When Sharon Bialek said that he was with Herman Cain at the Chicago TEA Party event with Herman Cain I reached out to one of the key voices and leaders of ...
Tea-party faithful cheer Cain, hear Romney | Philadelphia Inquirer ...
WASHINGTON - More than a thousand tea-party activists at an Americans for Prosperity meeting jumped out of their chairs Friday and cheered as Herman Cain ...

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