Saturday, November 12, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
What the occupiers and tea party have in common
Washington Post
The tea party is a very simple expression of a desire for smaller government. Occupy Wall Street is more of an emotional outburst and reaction. If you throw out the fringe commentary, what they're both really angry about is that there haven't been any ...
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Too Far Right On a Bleak Night
Huffington Post (blog)
Last Tuesday night was a bleak one for the Tea Party as election results came in. Although a few of its candidates were elected (Republicans captured the Virginia State Senate by 96 votes but lost a similar effort in Iowa), by and large their ideas ...
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Tea Party Losing Support in Illinois?
By publiusforum, today at 9:00 am There is a new poll out of Illinois citizens that seems to show that the Tea Party has lost support in the and of Lincoln. The Paul Simon Institute is the group that conducted the poll and with that I should note that ...
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Tea Party groups go ballistic over Michigan Senate's passage of 'Obamacare ...
Neither were Tea Party groups, who warned Republicans that there would be consequences for voting "yes." Scott Hagerstrom, head of the free-market Americans for Prosperity of Michigan, went so far as to claim Gov. Rick Snyder is "misleading" ...
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After dud election, Tea Party activists want more influence in Kentucky GOP
Lexington Herald Leader
(AP Photo/Brian Bohannon) BRIAN BOHANNON — ASSOCIATED PRESS FRANKFORT — Loyalists in Kentucky's Tea Party movement who helped propel Republican Rand Paul to the US Senate last year say they share no blame for the GOP's poor showing in Tuesday's state ...
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Lexington Herald Leader
Call to occupy Iowa caucuses draws little interest
Wall Street Journal
It was in the primaries of 2010, after all, that the tea party shifted from a protest to a movement, as anger among conservatives at President Barack Obama's health-care proposal and the nation's staggering debt moved from rowdy town hall meetings to ...
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George McGovern, coming to Miami, talks GOP, Dolphins, Tea Party
Q) Your take on the Tea Party movement? A) The Tea Party movement has a right to function. I don't agree with very much of what they have to say. A) I am way more patient about the pace of change in this country. I thought I could stop that war ...
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TEA Party - Lincoln Club
Canada Free Press
The Governor of Texas finally came clean with his previous idiotic statement on illegal immigration and apologized to those he accused of having no cardiac parts because they opposed offering "dream type" benefits to the children of illegal aliens. ...
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I'll take the Tea Party
Vallejo Times-Herald
Most Americans who could be called members of the Tea Party do not believe in no government, but in a limited government, as spelled out in the Constitution. They believe government should be smaller and a whole lot less intrusive in the lives of free ...
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Keep Fear Alive
The Weekly Standard
The tendency of liberals to define the Republican party, the conservative movement, and most recently the Tea Party movement as the latest iteration of the Old South has been persistent, if not always sane. It survived the failure to convince voters ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
OWS vs. The Tea Party | Tea Party Patriots
By Steve Davies
As a Tea Party Patriot, I have been asked by the media to explain the differences between the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protesters and modern-day Tea Partiers. The first answer I give is: the Occupy Wall Street protesters have been around ...
Tea Party Patriots
Jury decides: Who owns "Tea Party Patriots"--battle over IP ...
By Stella Lohmann
At odds are two founders of Tea Party Patriots organization — Roswell, GA resident, Amy Kremer (currently Chairman of Tea Party Express), and TPP President, Jenny Beth Martin, of Kennesaw, GA — co-workers after CNBC reporter, Rick ...
RenewAmerica columns
Coco's Tea Party: The Saturday Fashion News Catch Up
By Coco's Tea Party
Popular Coco's Tea Party Posts. Would You Rather: The Miu Miu Teen Queens. I haven't had time to read the December issue of British Vogue yet, but flicking through I noticed that 14-year-old Chloë Moretz has a feat... Chanel's Christmas ...
Coco's Tea Party » Tea Party Fights Back: #OccupyOrlando Forcibly ...
By Larry O'Connor
Former liberal activist/turned tea party conservative Brandon Darby and Sheriff Joe Arpaio were featured speakers at the Choose Liberty 2012 event sponsored by the Eastern Orlando Tea Party. As Sheriff Arpaio took the podium, Darby called ...
ObamaCare's Job-Killing Effect | Tea Party Tribune - Tea Party ...
By mrcurmudgeon
If you or a family member requires a hip or knee replacement, President Obama is working to hobble the industry that has helped millions of Americans regain mobility. According to the National Institutes of Health, 773000 Americans receive ...
Tea Party Tribune - Tea Party...

Web1 new result for "Tea Party"
Tea Party Plans Premeditated Felony | Wisconsin Politics
Tea Party Plans Premeditated Felony Madison -- The kick off campaign to recall embattled governor Scott Walker kicks off in just four days and with that date ...

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