Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News9 new results for "Tea Party"
OWS and Tea Party Agree: Big Banks Are a Big Problem
Huffington Post (blog)
There are a lot of differences between the Occupy Wall Street crowd and the Tea Party Movement. One is a national, grassroots effort that is focused on promoting free-market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and constitutional freedoms. ...
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Tea Party Group Presents Its Own Debt Commission Report
New York Times (blog)
By KATE ZERNIKE As the Congressional committee charged with reining in the deficit nears its deadline for coming up with a way to cut it by at least $1.2 trillion over 10 years, the Tea Party — or at least, a small group aiming to represent the Tea ...
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Can Newt Gingrich Pass Tea Party Muster?
National Journal
By Beth Reinhard Newt Gingrich doesn't seem like the tea party's type. He's the ultimate Washington insider, a career politician who spent two decades in that reviled institution known as the US Congress. Especially when compared to stick it-to-the-man ...
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Key's tea party helps Peters (blog)
The irony of the whole tea party episode is that it seems to be failing to help John Banks win Epsom, and it's damaging National, when the stunt was planned only to boost them both. Mr Peters is a natural opposition politician, who speaks directly to ...
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Newt Gingrich Leads In Poll, Thanks To Mitt Romney's Tea Party Problem
Huffington Post
Much of it appears to be Tea Party-driven. According to the poll's crosstabs, 35 percent of self-identified Tea Partiers now support Gingrich, 15 percent back Romney, 20 percent back Herman Cain, 7 percent back Texas Gov. Rick Perry and eight percent ...
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Tea Party Nation founder calls Herman Cain "Simply Clueless" & "Not Qualified"
It seems like yesterday that Herman Cain was the Tea Party favorite, the man to push Mitt Romney aside and do battle with President Obama leading into the 2012 election. However, after repeated gaffes and sexual allegations, high ranking members of the ...
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Poll: Tea Party 43%, Occupy 37%
Daily Mail - Charleston (blog)
But of course, Public Policy Polling cannot resist a dig at conservatives, noting: "Voters don't care for the Tea Party either, with 42% saying they support its goals to 45% opposed. But asked whether they have a higher opinion of the Tea Party or ...
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Diane Sawyer Again Links Tea Party and Sarah Palin to Rep. Giffords' Shooting
Stop the ACLU
But true to her left-wing agenda, Sawyer could not resist illicitly linking Tea Party activists, anti-Obamacare sentiment, and even Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to what was perpetrated against Rep. Giffords on that terrible day. ...
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Letters: Don't compare Occupy movement to Tea Party
USA Today
USA TODAY's article "Tea Party, Occupy share similar beginnings" is trying much too hard to create a parallel between Occupiers and Tea Party activists, and it reveals a bias in doing so. By Steven Senne, AP Tea Party members rally in front of the ...
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USA Today

Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Budget cutters, heed the Tea Party | tax, republicans, budget ...
Opinion: Budget cutters, heed the Tea Party | tax, republicans, budget, cuts, house, democrats, supercommittee, congress, tea, gop.
The Orange County Register -...
Diane Sawyer Again Links Tea Party And Sarah Palin to Rep ...
By Warner Todd Huston
But true to her left-wing agenda, Sawyer could not resist illicitly linking tea party activists, anti-Obamacare sentiment, and even Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to what was perpetrated against Rep. Giffords on that terrible day. Yes, even though ...
Big Journalism
Tucker Carlson: The Tea Party Has Destroyed The Republican ...
By Colby Hall
Sarah Palin offered some advice to Mitt Romney, encouraging him to more openly embrace the fiscal and social conservative side of the Republican party, and to develop a more robust relationship with the Tea Party movement. This morning ...
We Sent 'Tea Party' Republicans to Washington for This? | RedState
By Erick Erickson (Diary)
In the House Republican's Pledge that I told you was a Pledge to Nowhere, you find this language: tax increases must be prevented and We will help the.
Texas Democrats: Tea party 'hell bent on disenfranchising poor ...
By Eric W. Dolan
The Democratic Party of Texas blasted the King Street Patriots, a local tea party group based in Houston, for inviting columnist Matthew Vadum to speak at a fundraising event. Vadum has said that registering poor people to vote was ...
The Raw Story

Web1 new result for "Tea Party"
The Occupy Vs. Tea Party Scorecard - US News and World Report
How the two grassroots movements compare on news coverage, public support.

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