Friday, November 18, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Occupy Wall Street deserves more attention than the Tea Party
Both the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street want to change America. That is where the similarity ends. The Tea Party is a well organized political machine. It has clear leaders, an agenda, and it has raised substantial money it uses to promote political ...
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Occupy Memphis, tea party members meet
Occupy Memphis member Mallory Pope had just finished telling a group of about 75 tea party followers Thursday night that politicians should not allow themselves to be influenced by lobbyists and unions when she received an unexpected invitation. ...
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Who really shut down tea party hearing
The Senate Rules Committee shut down a gathering of about 200 tea party activists at the Capitol on Thursday, contrary to media reports that police had cleared the room because of an unrelated safety issue. The New York Times reported that the Russell ...
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Tea party rivals Alice's stupidest
OPINION: Like Alice in Wonderland after she supped with the Mad Hatter, John Key must be thinking: "It's the stupidest tea-party I ever was at in all my life!" The plan was simple enough; to fulfil his implicit promise to ACT to have a cuppa to show ...
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Why the Tea Party Is Doomed to Fail
Huffington Post
Just over year ago, a swarm of Tea Party Republicans were elected throughout the country thanks to one clear and consistent idea; that the one and only way to pull America out of the economic hole it dug itself into was to drastically cut spending ...
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Tea party group gives Utah state senator award; hopes to see him make run at Hatch
Washington Post
FreedomWorks, which helps mobilize local tea party groups, named State Sen. Dan Liljenquist its "Legislative Entrepreneur of the Year." The award isn't an official endorsement, but FreedomWorks has for months made no secret of its desire to replace ...
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A Test for the Tea Party in Texas Senate Race
New York Times
Ted Cruz, like Senator Marco Rubio in Florida, is a Cuban-American with a powerful personal story, a strong appeal for Tea Party groups and a desire to push the GOP rightward. More Photos » By KATE ZERNIKE RICHLAND HILLS, Tex. ...
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New York Times
Tea Party Leader Tells Herman Cain to Drop Out
At least one top Tea Party leader is now calling on him to drop out of the race. "I was wrong about Herman Cain... I said originally that Cain could stay on message better than almost any other candidate. His 9-9-9 plan was all he would talk about and ...
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Mounting Reports Show Newt Gingrich As More DC Insider Than Tea Party
NPR (blog)
And such insiders aren't high on the list of what Tea Party conservatives are looking for in a Republican presidential nominee. So stories like a Washington Post report by Dan Eggen that a Gingrich think tank was paid millions of dollars by companies ...
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Letter: The tea party line
Naples Daily News
I am appalled at the "left wing" letters that focus on demonizing the tea party while praising President Barack Obama's failed policies. I met the tea party leaders such as Barry Willoughby, Andrew Joppa, Jack Tymann and Tom Macchia, and other members. ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Lululemon's Ayn Rand Tote Bags Promote Tea Party-Esque ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
Would you like a free dose of right-wing philosophy with your $98 yoga pants? Lululemon Atheletica (LULU) built its brand by selling pricey workout clothes to affluent women who may view yoga more as trendy exercise than meditative ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
The Center for Public Integrity: 15 Tea Party Caucus freshmen rake ...
By The Center for Public Integrity
By Aaron Mehta and Bob Biersack, iWatch NewsOn her website, Rep. Diane Black asks constituents to join advisory panels in her Tennessee district. "I believe the best ideas to solve our nation's problems will come from people like you," ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
Michelle Malkin » Who's afraid of a Tea Party panel?, Part II: What ...
By Michelle Malkin
Who's afraid of a Tea Party panel?, Part II: What the Fishwrap of Record didn't tell you.
Michelle Malkin
Senate Rules Committee freezes out Tea Party Debt Commission ...
By Steve Eggleston
FreedomWorks had planned on unveiling its Tea Party Debt Commission recommendations at 2 pm in the Russell Senate Office Building, with Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) sponsoring the event and several other Congressmen slated to attend. ...
Hot Air » Top Picks
Figures. Senate Dems Block Tea Party Meeting on Capitol Hill ...
By Jim Hoft
Figures. Senate Dems Block Tea Party Meeting on Capitol Hill – Blame It on Bomb Scare (Video). Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, November 18, 2011, 5:42 PM. Unbelievable… Yesterday, Rules Committee staffers shut down the Tea Party Debt ...
The Gateway Pundit

Web1 new result for "Tea Party"
Tea party activists remain wary of Mitt Romney - Los Angeles Times
Throughout the roller-coaster Republican presidential contest, one thing hasn't changed: the stubborn refusal of many tea party supporters to warm up to Mitt ...

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