Monday, November 21, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News9 new results for U.S. Politics
A Failure Is Absorbed With Disgust and Fear, but Little Surprise
New York Times
By MICHAEL COOPER Does the American political system even work anymore? The latest on the 2012 election, President Obama, Congress and other news from Washington and around the nation. Join the discussion. Variations on that question kept coming up on ...
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New York Times
For Deficit Panel, Failure Cuts Two Ways
New York Times
That has inverted the normal reality, in which spending rises inexorably unless Congress musters the political will to impose cuts. Now, although both parties say they are committed to more gradual approaches, an agreement is required to avoid the ...
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US Ratchets Up Economic Pressure on Iran
Inter Press Service
However, one impetus for the new sanctions is domestic US politics. Republican candidates for president have singled out the administration's Iran policy as weak even though the Islamic Republic has never faced such stringent and widespread economic ...
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Protesters Ignore American Love of Entrepreneurs: Edward Glaeser
The Occupiers appear angry that President Barack Obama didn't do more to eliminate the inequities of American life, even though, by the standards of US politics, he did much that should have pleased the left. Obama shepherded a $787 billion stimulus ...
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Gingrich: Super committee failure 'good for America'
The first place for news and analysis from the NBC News Political Unit. Follow us on Twitter. By NBC's Jo Ling Kent NASHUA, NH -- Newt Gingrich declared that the congressional "Super Committee's collapse" would be "good for America. ...
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Ron Paul: Flawed US policy contributed to 9/11 attacks
Washington Post (blog)
Paul's non-interventionist approach to foreign policy will likely be front-and-center on Tuesday, when CNN hosts a Republican candidates' debate on national security. In the video below, Paul expounds on his views, saying that US policies contributed ...
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Newt Gingrich: Where does his support come from?
Christian Science Monitor
The highly educated "had been the education group that gave him his lowest support; now they give him the highest," writes USA Today's chief political scribe Susan Page. Hmm. Perhaps older people don't mind it so much when Gingrich floats some of his ...
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Christian Science Monitor
Election Politics Threatens to Derail Deficit Committee
Voice of America
US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warns cuts could leave US military with its smallest ground force since 1940s. -The automatic spending reductions are known as "sequestration." He is not alone, said Diane Lim Rogers of the centrist Concord Coalition. ...
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It's Politics, Not Economics, That Will Hasten America's Decline<br>
Slate Magazine (blog)
But a cancer does exist: The real problem America faces is political, and once again today, it is on stark display. The warring tribes of Capitol Hill rolled out their carefully prepared talking points over the weekend looking to ensure the other side ...
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Slate Magazine (blog)

Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
What Social Media Users Think of U.S. Politics
By Zoe Fox
As campaigning for the GOP primary gets underway, market researcher Lab42 polled 500 social media users on all things politics.

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