Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday's Daily Brief

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
White House Rejects Petition To Legalize Marijuana
Tennessee Officials Agree To Stop Arresting Occupy Nashville Protesters
Madoff's Son: I'll Never Speak To My Father Again
Violent Halloween In D.C. As 6 Are Shot Across City
Syria Reportedly Plants Landmines Along Lebanon Border
Wayne Besen: Herman Cain's Implausible Spin
Let me put it in simplistic branding language that Cain might comprehend: Don't bill yourself as a pepperoni pizza if you are actually a submarine sandwich.
Billy Graham: Nearing Home: How To Live One's Latter Years And The Reality of Heaven
In a sense all of us are nearing home, but we need to learn what it means to grow older, and with God's help, to grow older with grace and find the guidance to finish well.
Robert Reich: The Occupiers' Responsive Chord
The old view was anyone could make it in America with enough guts and gumption. As Herman Cain still says "if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself." But Cain's line isn't hitting a responsive chord.
Danah Boyd: Why Parents Help Tweens Violate Facebook's 13+ Rule
Parents often want their children to learn how to be responsible digital citizens. Allowing them access is often the first step.
Jim Moret: Kim & Kris, Kaput!
One can only imagine how Kim Kardashian will be able to monetize the divorce. I suspect there is another two-part television special and numerous magazine covers already in the works.

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