Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday's Daily Brief

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Arianna Huffington: You can feel the resignation settling into the establishment -- a sense that 8 or 9 percent unemployment is a natural condition like the weather, something that just happens to us and which we can't do anything about. But, in reality, this level of unemployment isn't just happening. Decisions are being made on a regular basis that are prolonging the economic crisis. And there are plenty of steps we can take that would produce tangible positive results in the lives of millions of people. The problem is that we have a broken system in which even good, sensible ideas never make it to market. They get proposed, they get support in policy circles, they even get introduced in Congress. And then... they die. A perfect example of a sensible idea that has nevertheless gone nowhere is Right-to-Rent, which would allow foreclosed on homeowners to stay in their homes as renters, paying a fair market rate determined by an independent appraiser.
Voters Reject Controversial 'Personhood' Amendment
Controversial Anti-Union Law Defeated By Voters
REPORT: Joe Paterno To Retire At End Of Season
SHOCK: Video Of Police Shooting At Occupy Oakland Sparks National Outrage
How Microsoft Plans To Take Down The iPhone
Robert L. Borosage: Run for America
As voters in Ohio have shown, politics is not a spectator sport. Democracy depends on citizens exercising the power of the vote to counter the power of money. With Run for America, Progressive Majority is looking for a few good men and women to take the field.
Alan Thicke: Boomerology 101: Passing the Torch So No One Gets Burned
We sent you to college and you got so smart you bundled our 401Ks into credit default swaps. What the heck is that?
Burns Strider: 6 Reasons Mississippians Said No to "Personhood" Amendment
Why did those pushing "personhood" lose in arguably the most conservative state in the Union? Why did the opposing forces win a majority of the vote in Mississippi? Here are six reasons.
Carrie Underwood: Ten Reasons to Watch the CMA Awards
Miss Piggy -- with whom I competed fiercely at the CMA host auditions this year -- has it out for me, I'm pretty sure. I caught her rehearsing "Remind Me," in her dressing room.
Diana Kirschner: What Happened to Kim & Kris? Three Lessons from a Celebrity Flame Out Marriage
If you happen to be in a couple who are in the spotlight together or working all the time, make sure you take time to decompress and get to know each other in a real deep way. This way, you can have both the fairy tale beginning and the happy ending too.

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