Saturday, December 3, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Chicago Conservatives Feel Disappointment, See Opportunity in Cain's Departure
NBC Chicago
Many Tea Party supporters gravitated toward Cain for his fiscal and socially conservative views, dubbing him the antithesis of Mitt Romney. Cain's departure from the race gives the remaining candidates a golden opportunity to secure their status as the ...
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Poll boost for David Cameron ahead of EU showdown
The Conservatives are on 38 per cent, up two points from last month, with Labour down two on 36 per cent, a blow for Ed Miliband. The Liberal Democrats are unchanged on 14 per cent. The Tories had a narrow lead over Labour in an ICM poll in the wake of ...
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Conservatives Starting To Catch On That Jon Huntsman Is A Conservative
Jon Hunstman is very conservative. This is news to no one, save for conservative commentators. But they're coming around. As they continue their desperate quest to find an alternative candidate to Mitt Romney, conservatives are starting to come around ...
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Conservatives versus Newt Gingrich
Irish Central
And it's a development that's leaving many conservatives feeling decidedly queasy. When character becomes the issue Gingrich's life becomes a minefield. At the moment the current GOP lineup looks like a circular firing squad. ...
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THE ELIMINATION OF THE LONG GUN REGISTRY Conservatives Giving Free Rein To ...
South Asian Link
To be frank – it's absolutely disgraceful that Conservatives are on one hand getting tough on crime and on the other hand offering criminals and so-called gun enthusiasts (potential future criminals) a free hand to get their guns. ...
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South Asian Link
Conservative luminaries take notice of Rick Santorum
Tribune Review
Rick Santorum, R-Pa., is getting some love from conservative luminaries Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck as he struggles to win the hearts of voters in Iowa weeks before the presidential caucuses there. "If voters start shifting gears and deciding they want ...
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Conservatives call for second homes council tax to fund affordable ...
Journal Live
Now the opposition Conservative group is calling for a significant share of the revenue to be ring-fenced and used to set up a fund to help launch a building programme of affordable rented homes. Next week the Liberal Democrat-led council will discuss ...
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Sin City, 300 Creator Blasts Occupy Wall Street; Is Hollywood Actually ... Live
Well-known Hollywood conservatives include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris, Bruce Willis- pretty much anyone in The Expendables 2. To this end, their movies are rarely about increasing tolerance and equality- or only if this is ...
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The real Romney
National Post
The hawkish young Romney, known to his peers for his anti-Communism, pro-Americanism, and disdain for weak-kneed Frenchmen, had another attribute that would please social conservatives: He epitomized their cultural values. Along with other missionaries ...
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Blogs2 new results for Conservatives
St. Louis Activist Hub: Conservatives Starting To Criticize Ed Martin's ...
By Adam
Nothing about Ed Martin has changed from the last election cycle; he's still just as dishonest and unscrupulous as he ever was. However, one thing that has changed is that Dana Loesch and Jim Hoft have decided to move on to the greener ...
St. Louis Activist Hub
What Herman Cain's Presidential Campaign Suspension Means for ...
By Tina Daunt
What Herman Cain's Presidential Campaign Suspension Means for Hollywood Conservatives (Analysis). 2:50 PM PST 12/3/2011 by Tina Daunt. share. Comments. Herman Cain Mustache - H 2011. Eric Thayer/Getty Images. Herman Cain ...

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