Friday, April 13, 2012

Google Alert - Progressives

News5 new results for Progressives
Allen West's campaign releases its own video of his Communist Party claim ...
Palm Beach Post
It's called the Congressional Progressive Caucus." For the record, the Congressional Progressive Caucus lists 76 members on its website, including Democratic Florida Reps. Corrine Brown and Frederica Wilson, and calls West's statement "outrageous.
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Word War I: Dem Groups Split Over 'War On Women' Messaging
But the change of plans is news to many progressive groups — and even some national Democrats. Friday exposed universal disdain for the phrase "war on women" among both the Democrats who've been using it as a cudgel for months, and the Republicans who ...
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What War? Progressives Fight On Behalf Of Mothers
Media Matters for America
Progressive legislators have consistently supported policies that benefit mothers and pregnant women, from passing the Affordable Care Act to supporting family leave legislation and funding for Planned Parenthood. Yet in spite of this record, ...
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Why young progressives shouldn't give up on Obama
The Week Magazine
Many progressive youngsters, including my student, are participants in or sympathizers of Occupy, the anti-bank, reform-demanding protest movement demonized by conservative Republicans and worshipped by liberal Democrats. Though Occupy has largely ...
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The Week Magazine
TR In The Spotlight At April 12 Lecture, The Progressives And The Constitution
Oyster Bay Enterprise Pilot
The next lecture in the series takes place on Thursday, April 12 at 7:15 pm, as James L. Coll, associate professor of American and Constitutional history at Nassau Community College speaks on "The Progressives and the Constitution.
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Blogs5 new results for Progressives
Why young progressives shouldn't give up on Obama - The Week
By The Week
Disillusionment has replaced hope. Frustration has replaced change. And many of the activists who powered Obama to victory in 2008 have had enough.
The Week: Most Recent Home Page Posts
Progressives Have One Million Plans | Osborne Ink
By Matt Osborne
One of the more hilarious right wing memes out there is the idea that every progressive is a Saul Alinsky acolyte. Alinsky titled his book Rules For Radicals because all too often, radical action stirs no real change. Today's example comes from ...
Osborne Ink
WP's Lane: Progressives Should Oppose Big Labor's Walker Recall ...
By NRTW Committee Staff
From the "progressive" Washington Post's Charles Lane, an exposure of public sector unionism and its unequaled influence on elected officials and the cost of government: Of course, collective bargaining in the public sector is inherently ...
The National Right to Work Committee®
COLUMN: Lilley – Progressives claim to love the Charter while ...
By Brian Lilley
In the Alberta election right now, Progressive Conservative Leader Alison Redford, more of a progressive liberal than a conservative, is running around her province telling everyone she's worried that her opponent supports "conscience rights.
Lilley's Pad
Progressives wrong to bend charter | Brian Lilley | Columnists ...
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms turns 30 next week and former prime minister Jean Chretien is upset.
London Free Press - Comment

Web2 new results for Progressives
Author John Robbins, Other Progressives Denounce 'Thrive'
Author John Robbins, Other Progressives Denounce 'Thrive'. The Santa Cruz– based author is joined by Deepak Chopra and others in a statement distancing ...
progressingamerica: The progressives know their own history. Are ...
Progressives today don't want to discuss their own history. ... So if you're looking for a manifesto for progressivism, your best bet is probably going to be Chase's ...

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