Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday's Daily Brief: Becoming Fearless About Money, Unemployment Rate Falls, Senior Hunger Crisis

Friday, May 4, 2012
Arianna Huffington: I'm delighted to announce Becoming Fearless, a video series sponsored by Toyota that will explore the theme of fearlessness on a range of subjects, from parenting and work to relationships and love. Again and again in my life, I have witnessed moments of extraordinary strength, courage, and resilience, when fears are confronted, even overcome, and anything seems possible. And I've learned that fearlessness is like a muscle -- the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. It's about getting up one more time than we fall down. So, for our first video, I gathered some friends and experts to talk about one of the most fear-inducing forces known to humankind: money.
Unemployment Rate Falls To 8.1 Percent As People Give Up On Looking For Work
Blind Activist Cries Danger As China Hints At Solution
Obama Gets Major Boost From Hollywood Star
Yahoo CEO Faked His Resume, Investor Alleges
One In Seven Seniors Faces Threat Of Hunger: Report
David Bromwich: The Peace Prize War President
In his campaign to win the election as a war president, Barack Obama flatters the worst vices of chauvinism and panders to the most vulgar and brutal idea of the qualities that define a leader and the actions that ennoble a country. No alchemy of eloquence can atone for the confession of moral surrender involved in such a boast.
Howard Fineman: At the Kentucky Derby, Chasing Traces of a Champion
And there, in all of his glory, stood Secretariat: massive in size; reddish-brown chestnut in color; enormous, muscled chest; proud head jutting forward like a one-horse Mt. Rushmore.
Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm: Occupy a Wing of the Democratic Party
Often, change does come more quickly from the inside rather than the outside. Become an alternative to the Tea Party. And then, once that happens, occupy the majority in Congress.
Robert Reich: Why the Economy Is Heading for a Stall
Europe is sliding into recession, and gas prices are still high. But the real problem lies closer to home. Cuts in government spending are reducing domestic demand precisely at the time when consumers are reaching the end of their ropes and can't spend more.
Jim Wallis: The Idolatry of Politics and the Promise of the Common Good
How we live and what we do for the common good is much more important than how we vote. Political affiliation with candidates, parties, and structures is waning -- especially among young people -- and that's good news.

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