Saturday, May 12, 2012

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Same-sex marriage prompts conservatives to mobilize
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Christian conservatives are readying sermons and crafting get-out-the vote efforts that could benefit Romney. File -- Ken Jackson, right, and Don Taylor carry a sign that reads "Stand Up For Marriage - One Man + One Woman" following a rally at the ...
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On gay adoption, Romney may rile conservatives
WDIV Detroit
When Mitt Romney said in an interview Friday it was up to states to determine the rights of gay couples to adopt children, he was expressing a view that many moderate conservatives hold regarding rights for same-sex couples.
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Romney woos social conservatives
Sky News Australia
Romney woos social conservatives Updated: 13:23, Sunday May 13, 2012 Republican White House challenger Mitt Romney, wooing social conservatives, has adamantly rejected same-sex marriage and trumpeted his belief in Christian values and the family.
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GOP hopes gay marriage issue boosts Romney conservative profile
Republican activists now want to use Obama's stance on the issue -- public opinion is about evenly split -- to paint the president as a flip-flopper and to boost Mitt Romney's image in the eyes of conservatives who are still warming to him.
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Romney Tells Gay Conservatives to Drop Dead, Says GoProud
BY Diane Anderson-Minshall After the presumptive Rebulican nominee, Mitt Romney, spoke at Liberty University today, JimmyLaSalvia, executive director and co-founder of GOProud (a national organization of gay-friendly Conservatives) took him to task, ...
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Romney Courts Christian Conservatives at Liberty U
National Journal
While not addressing his faith directly, Romney delivered a graceful commencement speech that emphasized the ties that bind the first major party Mormon candidate for president and conservative Christians. "There is no greater force for good in the ...
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William Hague: David Cameron is the sanest person to lead the Conservative ...
By Patrick Hennessy, Political Editor In troublesome times for the Conservatives William Hague, who led the party after the trauma of its worst election defeat of the modern era, has emerged as a figure of reassurance. He insists he has no ambition to ...
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Obama's Gay Stance Energizes Conservatives
By Dave Eberhart President Barack Obama's endorsement Wednesday of same-sex marriage may benefit Mitt Romney by provoking a strong pro-Romney turnout at the polls by once-skeptical evangelicals and other social conservatives, The Washington Post ...
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Bachmann Hit by Conservative Blogs over Swiss Citizenship
Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., had filed for an acquired Swiss citizenship back on March 19, she got slammed with an icy avalanche of criticism from conservative blogs, reports By Thursday of this past week, the former GOP presidential ...
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Blogs4 new results for Conservatives
Protesters rally as conservatives confer | ...
By (Tim Funk and Bruce Henderson)
Inside the hotel: Hundreds of conservative legislators, huddled behind closed doors with representatives from businesses and think tanks, crafting "model legislation" the lawmakers can introduce in their states.
The Charlotte Observer -- * Home...
Tom Nelson: Hayhoe in her 2009 book on how conservatives were ...
By Tom
"Polls show that a growing number of registered Republican voters believe global warming will pose a serious threat within their lifetime. Republicans such as John McCain and Newt Gingrich have issued strong statements regarding the ...
Tom Nelson
150 Achievements Of Liberalism That Conservatives Seek To ...
By Stephen D. Foster Jr.
According to virtually any conservative today, the government has been just one big liberal establishment. The current extremists that own and operate the GOP are hell bent on destroying anything and everything that even has a hint of ...
Addicting Info
On same-sex adoption, Romney may rile social conservatives ...
By wallacegw
(CNN) - When Mitt Romney said in an interview Friday it was up to states to determine the rights of gay couples to adopt children, he was expressing a view that many moderate conservatives hold regarding rights for same-sex couples.
CNN Political Ticker

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