Sunday, May 20, 2012

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
Greece's Conservatives Gain Ground
Wall Street Journal
By ALKMAN GRANITSAS and MARCUS WALKER ATHENS—Greece's conservatives, who support the country's international bailout program, are drawing level in opinion polls with left-wing anti-austerity party Syriza, suggesting the June 17 election is wide open ...
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Wall Street Journal
Conservative donors who gave to Romney's GOP rivals are slow to back Romney's ...
Washington Post
But financial reports released Sunday reveal a potential struggle for Romney in persuading his party's more conservative donors to open their wallets for him, although there are still more than five months until Election Day.
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Social conservatives face challenges in SBOE primary
Houston Chronicle
By Gary Scharrer AUSTIN - Conservatives and moderates get a rare opportunity this year to try to stack the State Board of Education with members who will help shape public education in the way each side considers best for Texas school children.
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Cameron brushes off EU referendum calls
Financial Times
By George Parker in London and Kiran Stacey in Chicago David Cameron on Sunday rebuffed those on the Conservative party right who want an in-out referendum on Britain's EU membership, opening up the possibility that the prime minister will be ...
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Walker pitches message to conservatives nationwide
Green Bay Press Gazette
Scott Walker gave the keynote address at the annual dinner of the Goldwater Institute, a conservative think tank in Phoenix with ties to the powerful, corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council. "Tonight, you might say, I'm preaching to the ...
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Closer Look: Conservative group fears hidden agenda in Illinois bill on school ...
The Republic
CHRISTOPHER WILLS AP SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Some Illinois conservatives fear their children are about to face an assault on their morals and religious beliefs. They worry that state lawmakers will muzzle students who hold unpopular opinions and force ...
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In Conservative Media, A "Race War" Rages
If you've spent much time consuming conservative media lately, you've probably learned about a slow-burning "race war" going on in America today. Sewing together disparate data points and compelling anecdotes like the attack in Norfolk, conservative ...
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Ecclestone aide offered Conservatives a 'serious donation' to make Max Mosley ...
Daily Mail
By Daily Mail Reporter The Conservative Party was offered a 'serious' donation from an envoy of billionaire Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone in return for Max Mosley becoming an MP, it emerged yesterday. According to senior Tory figures, ...
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Daily Mail
Poll suggests a growing tide of anti-Europe sentiment is pushing Cameron's ...
Daily Mail
Ten per cent of 2010's Tory voters say they have already decided to back UKIP, while 26 per cent of those who still support the Conservatives are 'seriously considering' switching. UKIP leader Nigel Farage has tried to capitalise on the economic crisis ...
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Daily Mail
Tim Harper: Tom Mulcair will not move, but Conservatives define oilsands debate
Toronto Star
By Tim Harper National Affairs Columnist OTTAWA—The Conservatives like to call it "poking the bear." But the big question on the federal political landscape right now is how the bear, so far unwilling to move no matter how many times the stick is ...
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Toronto Star

Blogs4 new results for Conservatives
Left In Alabama:: Fun with conservatives
By yankeedog
Fun with conservatives. by: yankeedog. Sun May 20, 2012 at 13:23:42 PM CDT. ( - promoted by mooncat). Sorry, conservatives, there was never a time when the Black man knew his place. He lay low to avoid your violence. He organized.
Left In Alabama - Front Page
A plain blog about politics: Sunday Question for Conservatives
By Jonathan Bernstein
Sunday Question for Conservatives. I've think I've done this one before but quite a while ago; it's worth another round. What conservative bloggers, reporters, or columnists should more people be reading? Bookmark and Share. Posted by ...
A plain blog about politics
Conservatives keep power in Gloucester, Worcester and ...
By Conservative Home
For many people (or most people in Scotland with its electoral system of Proportional Representation) it is necessary to wait days or weeks after the local elections to discover which party, or parties, is running their council. 51 councils, out...
ConservativeHome's Local Government Blog
Filipino Christian conservatives denounce Lady Gaga... |
Conservative Christian groups in the Philippines have marched near a shopping mall to demand the cancellation of Lady Gaga's two concerts, saying her songs carried "demonic" undertones. - Entertainment

Web1 new result for Conservatives
Filipino Christian conservatives denounce Lady Gaga concert ...
From Yahoo! News: Conservative Christian groups in the Philippines on Saturday marched near a shopping mall to demand the cancellation of Lady Gaga's two ...

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