Friday, May 25, 2012

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Are conservatives playing race card in fight against Obama?
Craig Melvin talks to Politico's Joe Williams and political analyst Edward Wyckoff Williams about dog whistle politics in this year's presidential election, and why Mitt Romney celebrates Donald Trump despite his sticking by "birther" criticism.
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Polls show Greek conservatives, leftists neck-and-neck
The failure of the two parties that dominated Greece for decades - conservative New Democracy and Socialist PASOK - to win a pro-bailout majority, and the success of the anti-bailout radical leftist SYRIZA party which came second, have sent shockwaves ...
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Another conservative defector denounces the movement
Washington Post (blog)
By Jonathan Bernstein Salon has yet another defector from the party with a loud denunciation of the way it and conservative institutions are functioning. This time it's Michael Fumento, a longtime conservative author, who just can't handle the ...
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Texas Senate race is latest battleground for conservative insurgents vs GOP ...
Washington Post
AUSTIN, Texas — The story line on the Republican Senate race in Texas is a now familiar one: A veteran politician supported by the GOP establishment is challenged by a young insurgent backed by national conservative groups. In this distinctly Texas ...
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Conservatives for Ignorance
Slate Magazine
The very conservative Wall Street Journal editorial page noted the ACS's importance for both business and public policy and accused the GOP of trying to "kill data that helps economic growth" in a move they said "does something that feeds the otherwise ...
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Conservatives Lining up to Support Gay Marriage
by Jason St. Amand One of the most conservative newspapers in the country recently posted an op-ed endorsing marriage equality and encouraging Republicans to support the issue as well, saying, "gay marriage is actually a very conservative value.
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Conservatives on track to eliminate federal deficit ahead of schedule
National Post
The Conservative government is relying on spending cuts and moderate economic growth to get it back into surplus. Many economists expect Ottawa to be back in the black one or two years ahead of time. However, the Finance Department said Friday the ...
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National Post
Kristen Stewart Labeled As Irresponsible, Indecent By Conservatives!
Sounds like Kristen Stewart's upcoming flick On The Road is ALREADY causing quite the stir amongst conservatives! Her sexcapades on screen have really upset some critics, who think her role sets a horrible example for a younger Twilight audience.
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Conservatives still undecided in county comptroller race
Buffalo News (blog)
Erie County Conservatives met Thursday night without answering one of the big questions of the 2012 political season: Whom will they back for county comptroller? Chairman Ralph C. Lorigo said a number of questions still face his party's Executive ...
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Blogs4 new results for Conservatives
Political Animal - Apostate Conservatives
By Ryan Cooper
Another point about the decay of the conservative intelligentsia is just how far people go when they finally quit the movement. They don't just fade into retirement or neutrality, they get angry. Bruce Bartlett, a former Reagan adviser, says things ...
Political Animal
Shakesville: A Reminder: Harper's Conservatives Are Terrible
By Aphra Behn
I'll tell you what is an awesome idea (awesome if you are part of Stephen Harper's Conservatives, that is). Change Canada's EI rules make sure that already-marginalized workers are forced into taking shitty jobs that don't even pay for the ...
Hardball Blog - Trump, conservatives revive birther movement
Why won't the birthers go away? Michael Smerconish talks to Salon's Joan Walsh and David Corn of Mother Jones. Watch Hardball at 7 p.m. For more Hardball, 'like' us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
Newsvine - Hardball Blog - Articles
Phil Klein on Conservatives and Romney -
By Ben Domenech
The Washington Examiner's Phil Klein, one of the best journalists on the right, makes the case in his new book that conservatives will need to have a very different relationship with a Mitt Romney White House than they did with President Bush ...
Ricochet Conversations Feed

Web2 new results for Conservatives
Gateway Pundit Stands With Our Fellow Conservatives on ...
Gateway Pundit Stands With Our Fellow Conservatives on 'Everybody Blog About Brett ...
U.S. Neo-Conservatives Assail Possible Compromise on Iran Talks ...
Meanwhile, neo-conservatives at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), who played a key role in mobilising media and elite support for the 2003 Iraq invasion, ...

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