BLOG POSTS | George Lakoff: The Wisconsin Blues The Wisconsin recall vote should be put in a larger context. What happened in Wisconsin started well before Scott Walker became governor and will continue as long as progressives let it continue. | | Alex McCord: Drunken Parenting...Yes or No? Being a parent has its ups and downs, and you need to do whatever it takes to keep yourself sane. If that includes cocktails (one or two, not ten), then go for it. | | Sarah Shourd: When It's This Quiet, You Can Hear a Pin Drop: The State of Iran's Movement for Democracy on Its Third Anniversary Iran's movement for freedom, human rights and democracy began with a bang on July 12, 2009. Now, three years later, extreme, targeted repression has forced Iran's movement into a dormant state. | | Mark Ruffalo: "The Tesseract Is Here!" In The Avengers, everyone is fighting over the Tesseract, a source of unlimited energy. The truth is, the Tesseract is here. The Tesseract for us is the power of wind, water, and sunlight -- natural, clean, and renewable energy resources. | | Josh Duhamel: Saving Pets' Lives Starts With Adoption Through my personal experience with adopting Meatloaf, I know that not only is adoption the right thing to do, but adopted pets are the best pets you can have. | | MOST POPULAR ON HUFFINGTONPOST.COM |
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