Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Obama moving to the Center? Smart Change or Betrayal of Principals?

Washington - As the reality of the mid-term election results settles in Mr. Obama is at another crossroad of "Change." Does he dig his heals in with, "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president," or does he go for a fundamental "Change" in his rhetoric and policies.

While the GOP are congratulating each other for their November 2010 victories over the Obama agenda, talk of what the president has to do in order to get anything done is filling the airways as pundits punt the words "move to the center" around like a broken geiger counter meter.
 Hear to fore, Mr. Obama seemed to think of the term "compromise" as a dirty word with more than four letters in it. The minority party republicans were told to sit at the back of the proverbial bus.
Republican strategist Ron Christie seems to think that the president now seems to think that he must be seen to be at least willing to offer an olive branch, "I think he has slowly but surely recognized that the American people want the president and the Congress to work together."

What happened to the concept of "Change?" I pictured Mr. Obama as a night in shining armor setting atop huge stead of Democrat ideas with his liberal sword truth held high above his head ready to strike down any one who would dare oppose him.  Capitulation to anything the Republicans have to say sullies this panoramic picture.

Does this mean that any hopes of far left policy engulfing America is dashed? Is it all over?
What about my free health care. Is that dream dashed too?
What do you think?
P. V. Street

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