Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News6 new results for Conservatives
Bloc challenges Tories: Give Quebec $5-billion or the budget dies
Globe and Mail
The Bloc Leader said he would support the Conservatives' proposed tax cut for businesses, but only if it was targeted at small and medium-sized companies to ...
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Globe and Mail
Bachmann speech raises her conservative profile
Atlanta Journal Constitution
But colleagues marveled Wednesday at her knack for firing up conservatives and her ability to fill a media vacuum from the right, much like former Alaska ...
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Atlanta Journal Constitution
Alberta Tories consider life after Stelmach
National Post
A day after Mr. Stelmach announced he will resign as leader of Alberta's ruling Progressive Conservatives, the party caucus met in Calgary for scheduled ...
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McGuinty urges Hudak to unveil plans
Toronto Star
McGuinty, facing a difficult re-election battle, said it's time Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak told Ontarians what he would do if he wins on Oct. ...
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Canadian Taxpayers Federation backs scrapping of party subsidies
Montreal Gazette
OTTAWA — If the Conservatives take another swing at scrapping taxpayer subsidies for political parties, they have the support of the Canadian Taxpayers ...
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The Post-David Keene American Conservative Union
Slate Magazine (blog)
The parent organization of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is about to lose its longtime leader as it's embroiled in a bitter feud over ...
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