Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Google Alert - Religion

News4 new results for Religion
Jehovah's Witness, Nathan Phillips, Cut-off from Family after Leaving Religion
According to an article at BBC, Nathan said, "It does make me feel very angry, not with the people so much and not with mum but the way the religion works. ...
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KU denies former associate vice provost was dismissed because of race, religion
Lawrence Journal World
By George Diepenbrock Kansas University denies a former associate vice provost's claims that he was harassed because of his religion and race and ultimately ...
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California exorcist's life depicted in new film
CNN (blog)
Exorcist = fancy name for mental illness; The sad part people have to suffer because religion is selling this madness. All those rituals, incantations, ...
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Islamophobia needs to be redefined
The Guardian
I've found that celebrity conversions are a good way to measure the intelligentsia's perceptions of a particular religion. They strip away the "softly ...
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