Monday, January 31, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
Tunisians wary as Islamists emerge from hiding
Los Angeles Times
Secular and leftist political groups, along with labor activists, played a far greater role than mosques in a country where Islam, though central to life ...
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Los Angeles Times
The Role of Islam on the Arab Street
Foreign Policy Journal
On January 19, Mohammed Rifa al-Tahtawi, spokesman of Al-Azhar, asserted that "sharia law states that Islam categorically forbids suicide for any reason". ...
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TIME (blog)
"An Islamic Middle East is being created, based on Islam, religion, and religious democracy," declared Ayatollah Ahmed Khatami at Tehran's Friday prayers, ...
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Puppet dictators must go, say Deoband clerics
Hindustan Times
America and Israel are enemies of Islam," he said. Muslim Majlis leader Badar Kazmi said, "The Egyptian President imposed a dictatorial rule for the past ...
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The Middle East's Intifida
FrontPage Magazine
Robert Spencer is a scholar of Islamic history, theology, and law and the director of Jihad Watch. He is the author of ten books, eleven monographs, ...
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FrontPage Magazine
BSE Shariah index to unlock potential Islamic investments
Arab News
The launch of the above index is potentially a major development for the Islamic capital market and asset management industry. ...
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Governments Go Online in Fight Against Terrorism
New York Times
In Pakistan, the authorities are posting on YouTube gruesome videos of mosques bombed by Islamic extremists, to show that such attacks kill fellow Muslims. ...
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New Ground Zero Imam says People who Leave the Muslim Faith Should be Jailed
Fox News (blog)
... cultural center believes people who are gay were probably abused as children and that people who leave Islam and preach a new religion should be jailed. ...
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Fox News (blog)
A Greener Spirit: From Medina to DC, Islam Goes Green (blog)
This final post focuses on Islam. The right-wing has demanded to know, time and time again: Where are the moderate Muslims? Maybe they should look under ...
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Emerging minarets in the valley of los angeles
The fact of the matter is that Islam as a faith and practice has been in the Americas before it was a solid established county, as evidence of this has been ...
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Blogs5 new results for Islam news
AMERICAblog News: Why Egypt's revolution is not Islamic
By John Aravosis (DC)
Egypt's society is a deeply Muslim one, and the very success of this non- political religious project has negated the need for a confrontational Islam. Egyptians know their religious identity is not under threat. ...
AMERICAblog News -
By Alan Peters
Islam, to the contrary, is essentially hostile to "the infidels." Humanist: Calling evil good is bad news, but the worst news is violence done in the name of God (spelled out, for example, in Mohamed Atta's theological justification for ...
Terror News -
By proxiimiity01
Religious freedom allows Christians to spread peace when Islam is has come so far in its destruction of Christians and Jews . View post: Terror News: NEW AMERICA – SILENCE CHRISTIANS – PROTECT ISLAM ...
Exposing & Fighting Against Global... -
End Times Scenario. Obama Loses Egypt To Radical Islam And Will ...
By Keith Savage
Did we not learn anything in Iran? Obama is Jimmy Carter on Islamo-Marxist- Chicago Gangster steroids. Has America been so dumbed down that Obama can feed this.
Advanced drainage system needed to prevent recurring floods ...
Speaking to Arab News, Naseef said the government should not allow construction in low-lying valleys. "Those who presently live in these valleys should be provided with housing facilities elsewhere," he added. "In the past, there were strict orders that no houses should be ... "I think the change should come from within Islamic groups by changing their attitude and showing greater openness," he said, citing the AK party of Turkey as a good example for them to follow. ...
arabnews - frontpage -

Web2 new results for Islam news
Philippine Officials See Link to Islamic Militants in Bus ...
Philippine authorities say Tuesday's deadly bomb attack on a passenger bus in Manila has the hallmarks of terrorist attacks in the nation's turbulent south.
Concern for Christian Minorities Under Islam Continues | Israel ...
Concern for Christian Minorities Under Islam Continues.

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