Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday's Daily Brief

Monday, January 31, 2011
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak swore in a new Cabinet on Monday, replacing one dissolved as a concession to unprecedented anti-government protests. In the most significant change, the interior minister - who heads internal security forces - was replaced. A retired police general, Mahmoud Wagdi, was named to replace Habib el-Adly, who is widely despised by protesters for brutality shown by security forces. Still, the new Cabinet is unlikely to satisfy the tens of thousands of protesters who have taken to the streets in cities across Egypt the past week demanding nothing short of the ouster of Mubarak and his entire regime.
Al Jazeera English Blacked Out Across Most Of U.S.
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GOP Divided On Egypt
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The SAG Awards' Worst-Dressed
Heba Morayef:Tahrir Square
Several thousand people remain in Tahrir Square; many say they're planning to spend the night and stay till Mubarak resigns.
James Zogby:Limited Options in the Face of Turmoil
In Congress and the media, new champions of Arab democracy have been born overnight. I suspect this celebration of the "Arab street" is born more of an anti-Arab animus than of a real commitment to Arab democracy.
Jeff Jarvis:We Want Our Al Jazeera English Now
What the Gulf War was to CNN, the people's revolutions of the Middle East are to Al Jazeera English. But in the U.S., hardly anyone can watch the channel on cable TV.
Danny Groner:Oscar Nominated Films: Does the Truth Matter?
Should filmmakers take some historic liberties in their narratives, and, if they do, should the Academy care when giving out its honors?
Jim Wallis:Changing Bad Behavior at Davos
There is much encouraging talk about companies' responsibilities to society and even the common good. But unless all our talk about "values" changes bad behaviors, we are just talking.

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