Thursday, January 27, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News7 new results for Liberals
John Ivison: Conservatives and NDP share a need for compromise
National Post (blog)
The other is that the Liberals are keen to provoke an election because they think they can actually win. Let's take them in turn. Since the Liberals and ...
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Ignatieff fundraiser to be hosted by man aiming to revive asbestos industry
But he's scheduled to rub elbows with Liberals on Thursday night at a $500-a-head cocktail at the Westmount mansion of Baljit Chadha. ...
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NDP ad slams Liberal leadership candidates
The BC New Democratic Party launched an online ad Thursday attacking the candidates running for leadership of the BC Liberal party. ...
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Dix wants to face Christy Clark
Kamloops This Week
Last fall, the political landscape in BC was flipped on its head as both the Liberals and NDP saw their leaders step aside. For the NDP, it was a bitter ...
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Ontario's finances
Windsor Star
Overall, under the McGuinty Liberals, annual spending has gone up 68.5 per cent to $125.6 billion since 2003. The deficit stands at $18.7 billion and, ...
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Feds to comment on Quebec arena project
Toronto Sun
The notice comes a day after Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff told reporters the federal government shouldn't pay for professional sports facilities. ...
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How should one sell libertarian ideas?
Wall Street Journal
With luck, we can probably hear from some Conservatives and Liberals about how they can be sold. If you go into a situation trying to "sell" someone on a ...
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