Thursday, January 27, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

Blogs5 new results for Progressives
San Francisco News: Good Discussion Of Progressives Future At The Wall
By (Zennie Abraham)
What's the future of San Francisco (and really SF Bay Area) Progressives ( preference here for the term "liberals") in the wake of an economic climate that calls for lower taxes and spending? That's the subject of a terrific forum ... -
Guns vs Progressives - NH Tea Party Coalition
By Admin
Add the Arizona shooting, in a public space, filled with unarmed law abiding citizens and one certified armed lunatic, and the progressives think they have a winner. Stories of armed conflict raging on the floor of the state house read ...
NH Tea Party Coalition -
Celestial Junk: Watch Progressives Cheer Their Own Folly
By Paul
"But then, there is the "progressive" class ... that aimless mass of Western humanity so burdened by cultural self-loathing that it is to Islam, as ungulates are to lions." 27 January 2011. Watch Progressives Cheer Their Own Folly ...
Celestial Junk -
.@glennbeck Beck: Progressives Are "Enemies Of God" #p2
Beck: Progressives Have "Tried To Destroy" God. On the January 21 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Glenn Beck Program, Beck stated that the Founders sought to promote enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. He added: ...
A Tangled Web » Blog Archive » TALIBAN PROGRESSIVES….
By David Vance
TALIBAN PROGRESSIVES…. By David Vance On January 27th, 2011. stoning video in afghanistan. It's a shocking tale. 19 years old and stoned to death by the Taliban for trying to run away from an arranged marriage. Here is the Taliban view; ...
A Tangled Web -

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